BCAC Shamrock Summer Shootout 2024

By Dan Guarino
The sharp sound of coaches’ whistles and cheers and applause from the crowd signal that once again the Broad Channel Athletic Club (BCAC) Shamrock Summer Shootout is in full swing.
Now going strong for over 26 years, the program brings together boys and girls to learn the basics of basketball and teamwork and have fun. Hundreds of kids in bright colored team t-shirts gather to hit the courts at Broad Channel’s 17th Road Park every Monday through Wednesday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
This year’s season started on Monday, June 10. “The program runs six weeks,” notes BCAC’s Karen Allen. Then the seventh week is playoffs, usually the first week of August.”
Noted as “our greatest supporter and biggest fan,” this year’s the Shamrock Summer Shootout was dedicated to late Monsignor Richard Ahlemeyer. Ahlemeyer, well-loved pastor of Rockaway/Broad Channel’s St. Camillus-St. Virgilius Parish and originally from Broad Channel, passed away in May.
Each year, Ahlemeyer opened the program with a special blessing for the players, coaches, volunteers, and families. On Monday, June 17, a special dedication was held in his honor, where Broad Channel’s Deacon Michael Pearce offered the blessing, led those gathered in prayer and spoke of Ahlemeyer.
“He made sure that he was looking out for everybody in the neighborhood, Pearce said. “I wish it was him standing here right now instead of me just sharing this with you,” expressing “the love that he had for every single person here and for your families.” Deacon Pearce noted, following Ahlemeyer’s example, that “we are all called upon to mentor our young players,” both on the court and off.
As a tribute, each player sported an “MRA,” standing for “Monsignor Richard Ahlemeyer,” on the sleeve of their team t-shirts. “Every year, Monsignor Richie Ahlemeyer always met the kids before the season started,” recalled Summer Shoutout organizer Marty Feeney. “We’re dedicating the season in his honor.”
Feeney, along with Pat Palmese, is credited with bringing the program back eight years ago, and was instrumental in getting it robustly going again in 2021 after a pandemic hiatus. Today, Allen says, “We have a Basketball Committee, which Marty Feeney organizes. This involves all the coordinators for each division who are also coaches. He is also able to keep the cost low for the kids and parents because of all the wonderful sponsors who donate every summer.”
The program is sponsored by nearly two dozen businesses, elected officials, organizations and families from Broad Channel, Rockaway, Howard Beach and beyond. Each team proudly wears their sponsor’s logo on the court.
“We had approximately 400 kids sign up this year,” Allen says. “We have kids from Broad Channel, Howard Beach, Rockaway and even Breezy Point and Roxbury.”
“Divisions are broken down by age,” she explains. There are the Tykes, 5–6-year-olds, which is coed; the 7–8-year-old Peanuts separate boys’ and girls’ teams, as well as the Rascals girls’ and boys’ teams for those 9-10, and Junior division boys and girls for 11–12-year-olds, forming 34 teams all together. Each team has one to two assigned coaches, and each plays once a week.
This year, Peanut division play wraps up the week of July 22, with the Tyke teams finishing on July 29. Medals and ices will be distributed at each. Playoffs for Rascal and Junior divisions were TBA at press time.
Afternoons and early evenings usually turn into a community event as neighbors, parents, family, and friends turn out to cheer the youngsters on. For the Tykes and Peanuts, it’s more about drills and learning basic skills like dribbling, passing, and shooting, rather than competitive play as coaches work with each team and get to know each player individually. Referees make sure each kid gets to dribble the ball up the court, and everyone takes turns passing and shooting.
Rascals’ and Junior’s teams focus on fast moving matches, as most have already been playing since they were Tykes. Division teams will play each other, often with two games going on adjoining courts at the same time.
“We also hire local kids from Broad Channel to keep the score and do the book for the older divisions,” Allen says. “They get to watch their friends play and make a couple of bucks.”
Division coordinators, who are also coaches, include Meagen Moore for Tykes, Karen Allen for Peanut and Junior Girls, Melissa Burgess for Peanut Boys, Barbara Ahlemeyer for Rascal Girls, Caroline Feeney for Rascal Boys and Jennifer Santiago for Junior Boys. The commitment of the coaches, coordinators and volunteers who make the BCAC Shamrock Summer Shootout a success is often a personal, even generational one. For instance, Allen notes, “I have four kids in the program, and I coach three out of the four!”
Altogether, the program and its ongoing success is “definitely a team effort and we welcome any new people in to help on the committee and coach!”
Most importantly what the BCAC Shamrock Summer Shootout imparts is more than just playing the game. “We teach them sportsmanship, conflict resolution,” Jennifer Santiago notes, “and we teach the older players how to become mentors to the younger players.”
As Caroline Feeney noted in a previous interview, “Players can form friendships and build confidence on the court. When children are a part of a sports team, they become confident and feel more valued…because they feel like they belong to a part of their community.” Many may not only become mentors and coaches, but also develop a deeper commitment to their communities.
On the court, young players are in motion, driven by the excitement of making a basket or well-coordinated pass. On and off the courts, the hard work, the camaraderie, sports and life lessons, fun and enthusiasm keeps players and parents signing up again and again, ensuring the Shamrock Summer Shoutout will be a success year after year!
The Broad Channel Athletic Club, founded in 1961, hosts a variety of boys’ and girls’ sports activities all year round, including football, baseball, softball, soccer, basketball, and swimming. For more info go to www.bcacny.com and “BCAC Shamrocks” on Facebook.
Photos by Dan Guarino.