Summer Classic Week 3

By Keith “Bugsy” Goldberg
It was a busy week at the St. Francis de Sales Summer Classic. After two weeks of Tim Klein Mens Open league play, most of the other divisions got underway.
Monday began with the eight teams in the Boys Grammar Junior division taking the court under the direction of Justin Flanagan and Ed Dennis. Boys High School followed with eight of the 12 teams in action. Marty McManus, Mike Friedman, and John Moran once again lead the way. Dee Tubridy and Mike McCann’s Boys Grammar Middle division also began that night. Four of the eight teams played.
On Tuesday, it was Girls Grammar Junior directed by Kerry Brady to start the day. Nine teams are in this group. Siobhan Fitzgerald and Grace Leahy’s Girls Grammar Senior followed and boasts eight teams. Over on Courts 1 and 2 it was Boys Grammar Senior which has grown to 12 teams and is guided by JoJo O’Grady and Joe Courtney.
On Wednesday, Skippy Doyle’s co-ed second grade group with four teams began play outdoors since the gym is not available this summer. There were additional games in the Boys Grammar Middle and Boys High School divisions, highlighted by the coaching debut of WABC radio personality Sid Rosenberg, who now has to make a decision whether to continue or to retire with an undefeated 1-0 record. The Summer Classic was additionally graced by the presence of Bishop Brennan who gave a blessing in between the 7 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. games, as well as engaging with all in the schoolyard, which made the evening particularly special.
With the St. Francis gym closed, the Clare Droesch Women’s Open division relocated to Springman Hall at St. Camillus with games on Monday and Tuesday. The Girls High School division will begin there next Wednesday, and the Graybeard divisions are there on Thursdays with Blessed Trinity and St. Rose as the additional sites now.
Back at St. Francis on Thursday, Luv Cleaning, Tap That, Conte Carpets and Coastal Real Estate won games in Division 2 of the Tim Klein Mens Open League. There were only two games in Division 1 and Cabana handed Callie’s their first loss, while Rockaway Beach Local gained their first win, beating Harbor Light. The Men are off next week since Thursday is July 4. Many thanks to John Resker for repairing the basket on Court 3 and to Jimmy Mullen for the rehabilitation of the bleachers.
Happy Independence Day and God Bless America.
Photos by Christian Alessandro.