• January 19, 2025

Thanks to the RT & Mrs. Dwyer

 Thanks to the RT &  Mrs. Dwyer

Dear Editor:

I am Thankful for the Rockaway Times. Each Thursday morning, I watch the sunrise and read The Rockaway Times—It is my happiest hour of the day. The writing is succent, transportive, and transformative. Thank you, Sean and staff. Your piece on the U.S. was inspiring and makes me think of Winston Churchill: “Democracy is the worst of government except for all those other forms that have been tried.” It is important for all of us to remember. The imperfections of life make us all inherently perfect.

I was also pleased to see that Mrs. Dwyer is still with us. It was serendipitous that this tribute came out right after my mom was at a dinner party at Kennedy’s. She encountered another St. Camillus mom, and she was reminiscing about our teachers. I was so happy that my classmates Simon, John, and Linda contributed to the piece. Yes, I remember the Saint of the day and the tattered book of Saints she read to us. That was my fondest memory. She instilled this wanderlust as many of the Saints were from all countries and were ordinary people who managed to overcome great odds to do extraordinary things. Something a downtown Brazilian and Irish American girl really needed in second grade.

Which brings me to the fashion. I loved her timeless Jackie O haircut and her Town & Country look. I walked around the house with a book on my head so I could have her great posture. Unfortunately, I could not emulate the Town & Country look or the Jackie O haircut as a Brazilian Irish American who had a J.Lo bum and curly hair. However, I was able to create my own sense of style and was fortunate to speak with her while getting a manicure after graduating college.

As for her grandson, we understand the challenges of having larger than life relatives. Sometimes it is hard living in the shadows, but hopefully you have gained a sense of perfectionism, self-reflection, high achievement, self-confidence, and learned to embrace your individualism.

I am thankful for being a part of the greatest peninsula in the universe. I am so happy to have the sand never leave my shoes. I take Rockaway everywhere I go. Happy Thanksgiving.

Adriana Sullivan

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