Alma Plan’s Consequences

Dear Editor:
As a Rockaway resident, I am vehemently opposed to the Alma Development project. The buildings proposed will not be erected on an empty lot. Alma proposes to use sidewalk space, all the parking lots, and the green space at the property. Where will the residents park? Where will the children play?
This is detrimental to the 2,000 residents at Surfside and will have negative impacts on the entire peninsula. Not the least of which are air and noise quality, traffic congestion, and inadequate hospitals, schools and emergency services.
There are already 11 approved development projects for Rockaway which will increase the population by more than 10,000. Our peninsula simply cannot handle any more. Approval of Alma’s outrageously irresponsible requests for zoning changes will have terrible consequences for the residents of Surfside and the entire Rockaway community.
Donna Dowler