Are Kids Just Being Kids?

By Beth Hanning
Over the last few months many people have emailed or messaged me to write a column about the kids on Beach 129th Street.
Some complaints about the pre-teens mostly are:
- Bicycles: many kids just throw their bicycles anywhere on the sidewalk. Now this is already a busy area with pedestrians, so bikes should not be strewn about. Place them against the side of the store or lock it to a pole or a tree. AND, when a mom with a stroller or a double stroller asks you to move them, do not give her attitude! DO it ASAP and with a smile on your face.
- Bicycling: So many people messaged me about kids just riding into traffic without even looking. Now, Beach 129th is a busy block with many people double parked (another column idea). You cannot just ride directly into traffic. You should definitely go to the light at the corner. People will not see you! Also, you really should not be speeding on your bicycle on the sidewalk. Again, Beach 129th too crowded.
- Congregating in general. If you are going to congregate on the streets, be aware that people need to get by. Be aware of your surroundings and again, be conscious of moms with carriages. They need more room to maneuver.
- RUDENESS in general: I have heard over the years that certain youngsters were disgraceful in the behavior at the former Dunkin Donuts. They would go in and harass the workers. Kids would throw napkins and straws around the store.
- Littering: One woman messaged me to tell me about kids eating their breakfast outside of the store they purchased it from and then just throwing the wrapper on the ground. When the woman said for them to pick it up, they were not like, “oh my gosh I made a mistake,” they called her a name and told her to mind her own business.
- Robbing: Some people also emailed me to tell me a group of kids will go in to buy a bag of chips and others will take items. One store now has a limit of how many can enter at a time.
Now after I placed a post up about needing information for this column, my phone blew up with texts, Facebook and Instagram messages. I want to say, I did receive two positive messages that people had good experiences with the kids on Beach 129th. And one person who is similar to my husband chalks it up to “kids being kids,” and kids will make mistakes. My husband swears he did it and he knew worse kids than what I described. I feel like if someone told my mother that I was rude after not moving my bike, I would be in big trouble.
Please do not say, “It isn’t my kid.” I was kind of shocked at the messages who gave me specific names. Some were kids I kind of know but I definitely know their parents, and would assume their parents taught them better. Again, I know kids will be kids and will make a mistake but with the number of messages I received some kids are repeat offenders and this is something that needs to improve.
Have a great week everyone.