By Robin Shapiro

Daylight saving time begins this Sunday, March 10. We turn the clocks ahead one hour at 2 a.m. Therefore, 2 a.m. automatically becomes 3 a.m. and we lose an hour.

Mortgage limits will be higher for 2024.FNMA conforming will be increased to $766,550 from 726k. High balance will be increased to $1,149,825 from $1,089,300. Also, FNMA will now accept smaller down payments of as low as 5% on OWNER OCCUPIED multifamily homes. It had been in the range of 15-25% required in the past.

As of this writing (mid – December), mortgage rates have been trending lower – around 6.35% for 30yr fixed and appear to be heading lower. Inventories have been trending higher and I have had indications of new additional listings coming out this spring.


Some burglar proofing ideas: have lights at all entrances; have good locks (dead bolt) on all doors and windows; use timers to turn lights and radios on when you are not home (noise is a great security enhancement); stop mail and newspaper delivery when you are away; don’t use your first name on your mailbox or in the phone directory – use an initial; check who is at the door before opening – do not open the door to an unexpected visitor; don’t hide keys in easily accessible places – criminals will find them. Call me. Love, Robin.

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