Eagle Scout Runs Successful Blood Drive

Even though the area was still suffering the aftereffects of the Canadian Wildfires, the Rockaway community came out to support Zachary Finkelstein in his Eagle Scout Project.
Zachary organized a blood drive, working with the New York Blood Center, on Thursday, June 8 at Temple Beth-El of Rockaway Park.
The results topped everyone’s expectations. The New York Blood Center was hoping for 40 pints. The drive raised 57.
The drive was conducted in memory of Mark Sataloff, Zachary’s father’s cousin, who passed away from a blood-related cancer.
Zachary planned, raised funds, collected materials, solicited businesses for raffle donations, plus spoke with local elected officials, newspapers, houses of worship and businesses. He also spoke to the parents at his own school, Scholars’ Academy, as well as other local schools. He also handed out flyers to shoppers in the local business districts.
Zachary would like to particularly thank Temple Beth-El, its members and staff, for allowing him to host the drive at the synagogue. And he wants to recognize the support and assistance he received from Assemblymember Stacey Pheffer Amato and City Councilmember Joann Ariola. He also wants to thank the Brooklyn Cyclones for donating four tickets to a game at Maimonides Park in Coney Island.
Also showing their support were the troop’s Eagle Scouts that donated blood, including his own brother Jeremy (who also assisted with the communication efforts), Philip Rosenhaus, Timothy Foley and Harrison Rosenhaus. In addition, Zachary would like to thank his troop members Daniel, Finn, Nick, Ryan, Gilad and Brendan. Also assisting was Santino from Troop 139 in Howard Beach and former Troop 147 member, Jake.
Zachary has been active in scouting for many years, starting as a member of the pack and will be the troop’s Senior Patrol Leader in the coming year. The project is the last step before a board of review is held to confirm the rank of Eagle Scout on Zachary.
He wants to thank everyone who donated blood on that day; as Zachary said to everyone he met during his promotion of the project, “one donation saves three lives.”
Even though the season is over until school starts again in September, both Troop 174 and Pack 147 are looking for new members. Troop 147 is open to boys up to age 18. No prior experience in Scouting is needed to join.
For the younger children, Pack 147 is open to both boys and girls, starting with its Lion program for those in kindergarten through the Webelos program for fourth and fifth graders. Both meet on Thursday nights at the Knights of Columbus, 333 Beach 90th St.
For further information, please contact PackTroop147@gmail.com.