Facts You Probably don’t Need
- Christian Bale has said that Tom Cruise inspired some of the mannerisms he used as Patrick Bateman in “American Psycho.”
- The scientific name for the Indian rhino is Rhinoceros unicornis.
- Japan has over 21,000 7-Eleven stores — almost double the amount in the United States. Tokyo alone has 2,824 7-Elevens.
- The Milky Way is currently absorbing the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy, one of our satellite galaxies.
- If you are 31 years of age, half of the world is younger than you.
- The kangaroo rat, native to arid areas of western North America, can live their entire lives without having to drink water.
- Rhode Island, Maine, and Massachusetts all have laws that deem it illegal for supermarkets, department stores, and other big box stores to be open on Thanksgiving.
- In Tasmania, Easter Sunday is not a public holiday, but “Easter Tuesday” is.
Facts by Sean McVeigh, factologist.