Halloween Parade a Hit in BC

 Halloween Parade a Hit in BC

By Dan Guarino

It was a bright and sunny, not-so-scary afternoon, as swarms of children, their families, friends and neighbors took part in the Dawn McIntrye Annual Children’s Halloween Parade, hosted by the Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department (BCVFD) on Saturday, October 26.

In a last-minute alteration, its traditional starting point at 17th Road Park was changed as the DOT’s ghosts of roadwork present had recently milled the length of Cross Bay Blvd making it rough, pitted, eerily clouded with dust and unsuitable for the parade to march along. Instead, all assembled at the Gene Grey Playground at East 9th Rd. Among the steadily gathering marchers were clowns, Chucky, a blue ninja, Princess Leia, some Jedi, Mickey Mouse and the Mandalorian, angels, the Hulk, several Spidermen, a pink pirate, a cowboy, astronauts, Doc Ock and Deadpool, matching cowgirls, a mini-Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, a doctor, a family Addams Family ensemble and many others. An inflatable costumed Cartman from “South Park” even danced as BCVFD Engine 212 blasted out Halloween hits like “Ghostbusters,” “Monster Mash” and the Munster’s theme.

The stepping off just after 1 p.m., the group, a few hundred in all, proceeded down East 9th Road, led by a 100th Precinct beach patrol vehicle with a uniformed skeleton officer and large blowup cat-pumpkin aboard. Stretching for several blocks, and with wagons, strollers and even dogs in tow, the procession turned left on Lanark Rd. before turning right and heading up Noel Rd. Along the way there were enthusiastic onlookers and several candy stops, with some neighbors wading midway into the throng the make sure everyone got a treat.

The parade concluded at the BCVFD firehouse on Noel Rd. where an overflowing crowd enjoyed even more goodies with trunk-or-treat stations and tables of cupcakes, candy, and juice pouches. Mister Softee even came along, serving free ice cream to the kids.

The celebration also included BC Vollies second annual Fall Festival, with local vendors’ tables stretching down the adjacent Church Rd., offering handmade crafts, knitted items, candles and even a grill cooking up burgers, franks, chili cheese dogs and more.

Even as Broad Channel’s children’s Halloween festivities were winding down, the BCVFD was just gearing up for a scary run of their annual Haunted House maze, constructed inside the firehouse at 15 Noel Rd. It will be open from 7:30 p.m. to 11:30 a.m. each night through Saturday, November 2. Early visitors to the attraction, dubbed “Vollyville Prison” to go along with its theme, have reported it is scary good fun. All proceeds go to support the BCVFD.

For Broad Channel residents and all who came, the Dawn McIntrye Children’s Parade was another colorful event to remember.

The chills and thrills, however, will go on with the anticipation of several more weeks till the completion of Cross Bay Boulevard’s repair and repaving.

Photos by Dan Guarino

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