High Tide

L’Shanah Tovah! Rosh Hashanah, the first of the High Holidays and the Jewish New Year, began yesterday evening and ends on the evening of Friday, October 4. Happy New Year to all our friends who celebrate!
One of Mayor Adams’ major projects during his administration has been a war on rats … how ironic. The first-term mayor has now become the first sitting mayor of NYC to face criminal charges while in office (the most shocking fact to come from this hullabaloo) after the Southern District of New York announced a five-count corruption indictment against him. The charges boil down to what appears to be a long history of using his political power — dating back to his days as Brooklyn borough president and continuing through his time as mayor — in exchange for lavish “gifts,” mostly in the form of travel, and illegal campaign contributions from foreign countries — most notably Turkey. Mayor Adams is innocent until proven guilty and has vehemently maintained his innocence in public, but it does not appear to be looking good for Hizzoner.
Last weekend was what you call a “washout.” What a dreary weekend. And a weekend that was packed with happenings, no less. Hopefully, Mother Nature will be more cooperative for our October weekends!
Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in the southeast impacted by Hurricane Helene. Seeing scenes of the devastation, it’s hard not to reminisce about Rockaway’s own experience with Hurricane Sandy. We wish all those affected by Hurricane Helene the best on their road to recovery.
And now that we are in October (it’s crazy how quickly it seemed September came and went), here’s a reminder that now is a good time to check emergency supplies (flashlights, batteries, to-go kits). The 12th anniversary of Sandy is just a few weeks away.
Want an incisive sports perspective? Read The Rockaway Times! In a High Tide item six years ago (9-13-2018) we said: “First time for everything. The football Jets look good! The team’s opener last Monday night started off with their new quarterback, Sam Darnold, throwing an interception on the first play of the game. The rookie quickly recovered and showed why Jet fans are so excited by his potential.” Of course, in typical Jets’ fashion, the Jets let him go and he seemed on his way to oblivion. But now Darnold is leading the undefeated Vikings and he’s the best story in the NFL so far this season.
Save the date. Our friends at the Harbor Light, Jamesons Pub, Callie’s, Pico and Panino Rustico/Baya Bar are having their third annual Fall “Freedom” Fest, which will take place on Saturday, October 19. Please support the local establishments that help to make this community the amazing place it is!
The Catch a Cure 5K Walk/Run will take place this Sunday, October 6, at Beach 116th Street and the boardwalk. You can register at www.rockawaytc.org or in person tonight, Thursday, October 3, at the Belle Harbor Yacht Club from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Since 2017, Catch a Cure has been raising needed funds for those on the peninsula who are dealing with cancer.
Tomorrow, Friday, October 4, is the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi. Head to the St. Francis de Sales Prayer Garden at 4 p.m. on Beach 129th Street and Rockaway Beach Boulevard to have your pet blessed at the annual Blessing of the Animals. Or, if you are in Breezy/Roxbury, Blessed Trinity is also holding two blessings of the animals. The first is at 4 p.m. at the Father Hession Hall in Roxbury and the second is at 6 p.m. at St. Thomas More Church in Rockaway Point. All animals are welcome!