High Tide

 High Tide

Ned Stark was right: winter is here. It’s been a brutally cold week that included a healthy dumping of snow on Sunday night. At least for some of us, it was a long weekend, so the shoveling on Monday morning could wait a little longer than usual.


Speaking of the cold, if you have new or unused coats to help the less fortunate keep warm this winter, the RDRC is collecting adult and children’s coats at 1920 Mott Avenue in Far Rockaway.


On Tuesday, Governor Kathy Hochul revealed her Executive Budget for New York State that is set to take effect on April 1 of this year. The final number came in at a whopping $252 billion. That is an $8.6 billion increase from the previous budget, or 3.6%. The Citizens Budget Commission, a nonpartisan, nonprofit fiscal watchdog, has pointed out that NY State’s Executive Budget has now increased by more than $100 billion in just 10 years.


As a reminder of how to be kept most up to date during the A train Rockaway outage, the MTA advises that you can sign up for email and text alerts for commuting by subway, bus or LIRR at https://new.mta.info/guides/service-alerts  or refer to a Quick Guide to Rockaway Service Alternatives Available to Customers for the Outage Duration at https://new.mta.info/article/service-changes-line-and-rockaway-park-shuttle-2025


To support an increase in Rockaway ridership on the ferry during the A train and Rockaway Park Shuttle service changes, NYC Ferry has made service adjustments on the Rockaway Route. According to the NYC Ferry, they will continue to closely monitor ridership trends as the closure continues. For more information on the NYC Ferry changes during this time, go to https://www.ferry.nyc/blog/nyc-ferry-service-during-the-rockaway-a-train-closure/


Don’t you want to be paid for going to the beach next summer? If you want one of the best summer jobs out there, time is ticking. Our city needs more lifeguards. Register now for lifeguard qualifying tests. Visit the NYC Parks Department website (https://www.nycgovparks.org/reg/life-guard-test ) to check out the qualifications and register for a test near you. But do it quickly as test dates are limited.


Are you interested in serving the Rockaway community? Queens Borough President Donovan Richards is now accepting applications to join Community Board 14! The application is available online at https://form.jotform.com/mcarlier/2025-queens-cb-application . The deadline to apply is Friday, February 14, at 5 p.m. This deadline applies to both new applicants and existing community board members seeking an additional term. For the upcoming round of appointments, the two-year term of service will begin in April 2025. This is a volunteer position.


What did Poseidon say to the giant squid? What’s Kraken? This year’s Poseidon’s Prom will be held on Saturday, February 1 at Connolly’s. $20 to enter at the door. Fundraising from the event will help benefit the Poseidon’s Parade in September.


The 100th Precinct Community Council is on a winter break, so there is no meeting this month. The next meeting is Wednesday, February 26 at 7 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus.


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