• January 19, 2025

How To Get Out Of A Rut

 How To Get Out Of A Rut

By Jennifer Kelleher

What do you do when you find yourself a rut? Throughout life, it is natural for us to go through cycles of inspiration. Sometimes, inspiration, ideas, and creativity come effortlessly, overflowing from our souls into our minds and lives. Other times, we may find ourselves feeling blocked. I see these times, when we feel flat or dull, as a signal that it is time to evolve. Evolution is a process and while we cannot force it, we can encourage it. This does not mean we should rush past where we are. The dark and quiet times are just as important as the bright and inspired ones. So, what do we do?

First, I believe it is always important to embrace where you are. In order to truly move forward, we have to accept and appreciate ourselves and our lives just as they are, now, in the present moment. Therefore, the first step toward getting out of a rut is surrendering and listening. Stop forcing, stop wishing things were different, stop trying so hard to change, and get yourself present. Take mindful moments throughout your day. You can do this by focusing on your breath, inhaling fully and exhaling slowly, taking a walk outside (without your cell phone, and with your head up), or noticing 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste, for example. Yoga is also a great practice to help you arrive into the present moment. However you do it, spend more time simply being and open your mind to receive something new.

Next, practice gratitude. Take time every day, multiple times each day, to connect with the things in your life that you have to be grateful for. Honor the good things you’ve got by giving them some recognition. Take it one step further by expressing your gratitude to those you are grateful for, or passing on gratitude with small acts of kindness, such as holding the door for someone, smiling at someone, or paying for someone’s morning cup of coffee.

Then, set the stage for inspiration by playing with your environment. Create a cozy space in your home where you can read, write, meditate, or pray. Make a hot cup of tea, light a candle, or bring home a new plant. Dress yourself with care and attention. Iron out the wrinkles of your clothes, combine outfits that make you feel good, put on earrings, or a touch of makeup, do your hair. These sorts of things will naturally begin to open your mind, increase your happiness, and encourage creativity.

After that, connect with a heartfelt desire. Is there something your soul has been yearning to do? Connect with your passions. What makes you excited? What fuels the fire burning in your belly that gets you out of bed in the morning? How can you do more of that, or take steps toward being able to do more of that?

Finally, put yourself out there and try something new. This will very likely feel a little bit scary and uncomfortable. Instead of letting these emotions get in the way of you moving toward your dreams and goals, breathe deeply, take time to ground, and remember that the discomfort is part of the process. Embrace the new thing as an adventure. Be the student– listen, learn, and stay humble. Trust that you are on your evolutionary path and feel your inspiration beginning to rise.

I invite you to join me at Ocean Bliss Yoga next Wednesday, December 18th at 7pm for a Winter Solstice Sound Bath to align with and set intentions for the season ahead.

Also, as always, join yoga and Pilates classes daily. Finally, Ocean Bliss Yoga is offering a 200-hour Yoga Alliance-Certified Yoga Teacher Training beginning February 21st, 2025. Sign up now and save $500. More info on all of this at oceanblissyoga.net, or call me at 917-318-1168.

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