Let You Voice Be Heard

 Let You Voice Be Heard

Dear Editor:

I am sending this letter to Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato. I am not working for any candidate.

Dear Stacey,

We are near the end of two closely contested elections, one local and one national. The voters deserve to hear the legislators discuss the serious issues we face. Immigration, legal and illegal, is a challenge to our tradition of asylum as inscribed on the Statue of Liberty “Give me your tired, your poor. your huddled masses…”

Many of our recent immigrants are now coming from Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Haiti legally. They are Americans as they are residents of the Caribbean, America and South America. With the Monroe Doctrine and Franklin Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor Policy, we took a special interest in this part of the world. After World War II, we aided Italy, France and other European nations to reestablish their industry and democracy. Now is the time to assist American nations in crisis. High ranking Americans such as Ambassador Nikki Haley might be able to assist Venezuela make a temporary power sharing agreement leading to new elections. Former Mayor Bill de Blasio might be able to assist Nicaragua to protect the peaceful opposition. Retired military officers may be best to establish a working government in Haiti and to supervise security as they eliminate gangs that currently control the nation.

I attended a small meeting addressed by Senator James Sanders and yourself as well as candidates for NY Supreme and Civil Court. Each civic group in Rockaway should get the same opportunity. We can ask that each civic and tenants’ group from Breezy Point through Neponsit, Belle Harbor, Surfside, Rockaway Park, Dayton Beach and West Lawrence be asked to make their October meeting to hear your message. Senator Sanders can speak for the NY Senate and is a strong supporter of the Kamala Harris campaign. Each local group can decide if they will invite your opponent or perhaps hold a separate meeting for them. Our local press should cover each meeting.

Getting the meetings on ZOOM or Facebook. would help our voters make informed choices.

Norman Silverman

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