Locals Spread Holiday Cheer
Story and Photos
By Katie McFadden
The Locals Helping Locals Toy Drive and giveaway was a huge success! Evelyn Rivera Ortiz and Lisa DeFillipo led the charge and collected more than 350 toys with the help of the community, which they distributed at GrindTime Skate Shop on Sunday, December 15.
There was a line down the street as kiddos waited to step inside, where they could select an arts and crafts kit, a book, a toy, and some goodies like cupcakes, candy and chips. Teenagers were given gift cards or gift certificates for a haircut at Reid’s Studio 28. There were also opportunities for everyone to take photos with Santa Claus inside and a festive gingerbread man outside of the shop.
The effort was made possible with the help of GrindTime, Reid’s Studio 28, Vino by the Sea, 91 Deli, Rockaway Beach Vet, The Graybeards, Rockaway WISH, Joe Mure, Tiffanie Marino and Lisa Mae, and all the community members who donated to help make the holidays a little brighter for our neighbors.
“It was amazing,” DeFillipo said. “A few people pulled me aside to thank me for helping people who couldn’t give their kids a Christmas this year.” Ortiz added, “Such an amazing turnout! Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible.” Most toys were given out, but the remainders will be donated to the NYPD’s Domestic Violence Unit.
Keeping up with the spirit, Locals Helping Locals will be supporting Wine With Sue in their efforts to collect donations and supermarket gift cards as they play at Bungalow Bar this Sunday, December 22 from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. All are welcome to stop by, enjoy the music and give a donation if possible. The money and gift cards will go towards those who continue to struggle beyond the holiday season.