• January 16, 2025

Not Up for Debate

 Not Up  for Debate

Dear Editor:

Why are our local Democrat officeholders refusing to participate in debates with their Republican challengers? Don’t they realize that an informed electorate will make better choices?

Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato and State Sen. James Sanders have both refused to debate their GOP opponents, Tom Sullivan and Michael O’Reilly.  I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before Congressman Gregory Meeks says the same thing. He has so far refused to debate opponent Paul King, the Republican candidate. This is very disappointing and probably even undemocratic. We need to see all sides of the candidates – in other words – we need debates!

I think there is a very good reason why.  I believe they are ashamed of their positions on certain issues.

Assemblywoman Pheffer Amato and Sen. Sanders supported and voted for New York State’s “No cash bail” in 2019, which releases criminals right back on the street into communities. And they are ashamed or afraid to actually admit they support the killing of unborn babies up to birth with unrestricted abortion in New York. Rep. Meeks, who also supports the same things, really appears to represent the federal government and not his constituents on the Floyd Bennett Field migrant camps. He has never addressed the voters’ legitimate worries and concerns over this issue.

Democracy benefits from open exchange of positions and ideas by candidates running for an elected position. Debates are not somwething to run away from – but bad politicians are!

Geri Haggerty

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