Rewired For Autism Swings a Huge Impact—PT 2—Vaccines

By Kami-Leigh Agard
In part two of my interview with Rewired for Autism, we take a deep dive into a very taxing debate—to vax or not to vax?
Since 2008, Rewired For Autism, a network of power movers in NYS’ real estate, construction and design communities, have funded just under $2M to numerous autism-centric grassroots organizations, family-run businesses, and even special education scholarships. However, as Rewired’s board members shared, aside from raising money and building autism awareness, their passion is to also scaffold education around what may be a significant contributor to high incidences of autism in the U.S.—namely, vaccines.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the prevalence of autism among U.S. children has risen significantly in recent years. Today, currently one in 36 children in the U.S. get diagnosed with ASD, up from one in 150 children 20 years ago. Just in NYS and New Jersey’s metropolitan area, autism rates tripled among children from 2000 to 2016, according to a study published in “Pediatrics.”
Vaccines—a double-sided coin, damned if you do—damned if you don’t. Scientists have said over and over for years that there is no link between vaccines and autism.
However, for Rewired’s founder, Michael Carron, senior executive partner of TLM Group, though the reasons for the increase in autism are not fully understood, vaccines arguably can be a culprit.
Carron said, “When we started Rewired, the goal was to build autism awareness. However, many on our board have a child, family member, neighbor or friend who live and breathe autism day in and day out. So, now one of our ongoing missions is to start making people aware of the problems with Big Pharma, big agriculture and what you’re putting into your body. There’s an awful lot of pushback about ‘my body, my choice,’ when people start talking about abortion rights. However, there’s not a lot of pushback when the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) say, ‘Take this vaccine. It may cause tendencies to commit suicide, but it’s good for you.
“There’s not enough open discussion about vaccines and autism. And when you get a group of families, especially moms, who go to the pediatrician and say, ‘My child was really great until they had that second DPT (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) shot, until they had the third whatever shot… People need to be aware and make educated decisions. One great resource is”
Learn The Risk, a U.S.-based, non-profit organization founded by now-deceased former Merck pharmaceutical executive, Brandy Vaughan, (who some in the anti-Big Pharma community believe was whacked), is devoted to educating people worldwide on the dangers of pharmaceutical products, including harmful chemicals used in vaccines and medical treatments.
Rewired’s Rob Muir, senior sales engineer at Kinsley Power Systems, Kohler Industrial & Power Generation, said that it’s not about telling people what to do, but just sharing information.
“We’re not here to tell anybody how to live their life. These are just facts for you to make an informed decision as a parent. We think parents’ rights are being taken away as they’re only given one choice. There needs to be more awareness. If you’re going to get vaccine shots, fine. Just don’t get six shots in one day,” Muir said.
Muir was referring to when I shared that my daughter, at just six months of age received six vaccine shots in one day. Fifteen years later, I still rue that day, constantly berating myself for consenting. Did those six shots cause my daughter’s diagnosis of autism? I’ll never know, but I can’t help contemplating.
Muir shared, “We attended a Children’s Health Defense conference, where they conducted a role-playing scenario with a mother going to a doctor. It showed how intimidating it could be for a parent having a professional tell you this is the right thing to do, and there’s no alternative.”
Carron said, “The two countries that lead the world with the least amount of infant mortality is Japan and Iceland. Vaccines there are voluntary, not mandatory. Yet the U.S., a world leader, why are we 58 in infant mortality? It’s completely criminal.
“Hopefully somebody reads your column and says, ‘Let me look into this,’ especially soon-to-be mothers.”
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