Step Out Of Fear, And Into Love

By Jennifer Kelleher
I invite you into a few conscious breaths. Allow your mind to lull on the rocking inhale and exhale. Let everything be exactly as it is and drop into the quiet space beneath the boundaries of your body. Gently journey below thoughts and underneath emotions. Be led by your breath to the calm stillness within. Landed here, imagine a warm elixir, divinely brewed, being poured over your entire body, melting away all tension. Be freed, be renewed, be refreshed, as the callused layers you’ve been carrying around effortlessly peel away. Feel your body lighten, and your energy enliven. Breathe into your brightness, into your radiance. Let your mind arrive into the magic and beauty that you are right now. Cherish your natural kindness, compassion, creativity, and love. See it, let your mind believe it. Remember who you are and where you come from.
I invite you to take some time reflecting on your life thus far. Release trying too hard and simply give yourself space to let your mind float as it organically recalls the different chapters of your life. Be amazed by what you’ve moved through, everything you’ve achieved, and how far you’ve come. Can you trust that where you are now, in this moment, is exactly right in your journey of life? Can you tether fully into your body and life, accepting the full gamut of emotions that this existence brings? Can you let your challenges humble you, remind you of what is truly important, and bring you closer to your higher power? Take a deep breath. What if you, here and now, just let go of your fears and met yourself exactly where you are, with love?
I live in this world, too, and I know that it can be difficult to walk forward without overwhelming feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety. If we let it, the mind can easily be pulled down a scary rabbit hole of worry. Yet, yoga has taught me how to stay calm and keep things in perspective, even when there is chaos all around. That’s not to say that fear doesn’t creep in– it does. However, I have learned how to meet it at the door and instead of letting it pull me outside of myself into the disorder, I take a breath and invite it in so that it may experience the love within my walls, and I have found that once it comes in, it has no other choice but to transform itself into that love as well.
So, I ask you: Can you open your eyes, look past the structures and struggles of society, and see the magic and mystery in this earthly experience? Can you be in awe? Can you let yourself marvel? Can you recognize that your light, dressed in flesh, is a valid and worthy player in this game of life? You have the incredible opportunity to make a difference on this planet, many times each and every day. Accept the gift of being alive by stepping out of fear and owning who and what you truly are. Can you honor your pure, native, loving spirit through your actions? What will it take for you to see your worth and treat yourself accordingly? Can you remember that each and every creature on this planet, even the ones that don’t share your opinions or beliefs, is a beacon of the same divine light? Can you help those who have forgotten this to remember through your kind and caring gestures?
Yes, the physical part of yoga is wonderful– and, the practice is so much more than that. I invite you to the safe and sacred space that is Ocean Bliss Yoga Studio, on the third floor of the Belle Harbor Yacht Club, to rediscover yourself in body, mind, and spirit.
Join me for a special “love + connection” sound bath on the auspicious day of February 14, which is also World Sound Healing Day for those of you who do not know, at 7 p.m. Sign up at; call me at 917-318-1168 with any questions.