This Week in History


Terence Moriarty was born.

Frank Blum was born.


1948 – Gandhi was assassinated.

1972 – British troops opened fire on civil rights marchers in Northern Ireland, sparking

the “Bloody Sunday” massacre.



Lori Healey-Wasson was born.


1865 – The House of Representatives approved the Thirteenth Amendment to the

Constitution, which abolished slavery in the United States.

1940 – The first social security check was issued to Ida Fuller for $22.54.



Maryellen Galvin was born.

Eileen McDade was born.


2003 – The space shuttle Columbia disintegrated as it tried to reenter the Earth’s atmosphere after a sixteen-day mission in space. All seven members of the crew were lost.

2004 – Janet Jackson’s famous “wardrobe malfunction” occurred at Super Bowl XXXVIII.



Sandy Livingston was born.

Denise Auerbach was born.

Joe Fox was born.

Terrence Sullivan was born.


1887 – The first gathering at Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa. to wait for the groundhog’s shadow occurred.

1943 – Nazi troops surrendered in the World War II Battle of Stalingrad.



Anthony George was born.

Jeanne Jamin was born.


1870 – The 15th Amendment (black suffrage) passed.

1959 – Rock singers, Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and Big Bopper died in a plane crash.



Thomas O’Callaghan was born.

Frankie Cullen was born.

Mike Lee was born.


1789 – George Washington and John Adams are elected the president and vice president of the United States.

2004 – The Massachusetts Supreme Court declared that gays had the right to marry.



John Cori was born.

Terence O’Rourke was born.

Cody Ritter was born.

Jeanne Cook was born.


1917 – Congress passed the Immigration Act, which restricted Asian immigration, over President Wilson’s veto.

1952 – New York adopts three-colored traffic lights.

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