Tips for Summer

By Beth Hanning
Newsflash: Rockaway is and has been on the map for a few years now. I often think of the old saying, “Be careful what you wish for.” I was a strong advocate for the ferry. I love taking it to meetings in Manhattan, happy hours with friends and even recently a doctor’s appointment. It is such a pleasant ride… however, the ferry has brought an influx of residents to our area, making the area very crowded. Also, we know that over the last few years with new apartment buildings and condominiums, we have a lot more people on the peninsula than years ago. So, here I go:
Tip 1: You cannot drive on the peninsula from 3-5 p.m. Over the years, with the added traffic lights, new stop signs, and the influx of residents, traffic is BAD. My most hated addition of a stop sign is at the merging of Newport onto Beach Channel Drive right after Beach 116th… this makes traffic horrific. AND, as a longtime resident, I do not remember that area being accident prone. Go figure. OK, so my tip is to try and get everything done in the morning. When traffic is less. Last Friday, I left my house to drive my daughter to Bungalow Bar between 3 and 5 p.m. It took us fifteen minutes to get there and took me fifteen minutes to get home. Sunday morning, my husband made it there and back in thirteen minutes. Yes, I timed him!
Tip 2: While driving around town, please follow traffic rules. Stop at stop signs, do not try to go in the parking lane where people can park and then cut people off. Also, be courteous: if someone is trying to get out of a side street and the traffic is backed up, let the person go. One more car is not making or breaking your commute.
Tip 3: Get a bicycle and a basket! You will get around town a lot quicker on a bicycle.
Tip 4: Make reservations at local restaurants. You cannot go to a local restaurant this summer and walk in. And you cannot be annoyed when you are told it is an hour wait, maybe more. And for the love of God, be kind to the young kids who are trying to manage that hour waitlist!
Tip 5: Go out to dinner on “off” nights. The weekends have been packed and it will probably stay packed. Try to go out on a weeknight. But still make reservations!
Tip 6: Know the holidays and observed holidays. Everyone was flabbergasted on Juneteenth when the town was packed. It is a federal holiday, and it combined with fabulous weather. This is equivalent to the Fourth of July. Someone said to me “Wow, I can’t believe the town was so busy for a random Wednesday.” It was not a random day! Schools were closed and all government offices were closed. That is a lot of people who were off and wanted to hit the shore.
Have a great week everyone!