A Summer Bird Walk in Arverne

 A Summer Bird Walk in Arverne

Story and Photos

By Theresa M Racine

The NYC Plover Project and RISE Rockaway have been partnering up to bring the community together to learn about the birds of Rockaway, with community bird walks. On Saturday, July 6, roughly 50 people participated in the latest walk to Arverne Community Park to hike through the marshlands of Jamaica Bay. Despite the hot and muggy weather and biting bugs, the group was still able to bond with nature and the birds.

Mel Julien, Community Engagement Director for NYC Plover Project, stated in her email, “Edgemere is a biodiversity hotspot.” The walk was over two hours. Among some of the unique highlights were a huge jellyfish and a feral parakeet. There were more than 30 species of different birds to be seen incuding yellow crowned herons, glossy ibis, grey catbirds, great egrets, chimney swifts, northern cardinals and barn swallows, which were flying all around in the park eating flies. Among the shore birds sightings were a few common terns which circled the group for a while, laughing gulls, oystercatchers, swallows, a swan and so much more.

The Jamaica Bay Festival is Saturday, July 13. The Jamaica Bay Festival has a full fun day of family orientated events, which can be found at www.jamaicabayfestival.com. A day to learn about water safety, explore the wildlife in the Rockaways, kayaking on the bay, and so much more. And if you missed the last bird walk,  NYC Plover Project is participating in the Festival by hosting another bird walk in Rockaway Community Park. Meet at Beach 58th Street and Almeda Ave. at 10 a.m. It is advised to bring your own binoculars because only a limited supply will be given out to borrow. Wear comfortable footwear, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Light refreshments will be available prior to the walk. Any questions, you can reach out to adam@nycploverproject.org or mel@nycploverproject.org

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