High Tide

 High Tide

We were saddened to receive the news of the sudden passing of Reverend Monsignor Richard J. Ahlemeyer on Sunday, May 12. Monsignor Ahlemeyer was the beloved pastor to the combined Roman Catholic parish of St. Virgilius in Broad Channel and St. Camillus in Rockaway Park. Our condolences go out to his family and friends, as well as all of his parishioners, who will miss him.


We hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day last weekend. And just like that, next week is Memorial Day weekend — our official start to summer. Beaches will be open for the season beginning Saturday, May 25. NYC Parks’ official beach opening celebration, however, is Tuesday, May 21, at 11 a.m. on Beach 94th Street.

Speaking of summer, this Sunday, May 19, head over to Beach 116th for the Summer Kick-off hosted by the Beach 116th Merchant’s Association from noon to 6 p.m. There will be music, vendors, and fun for all.


To help you plan your summer, The Rockaway Times 2024 Summer & Community Guide will be delivered with the paper next week, on Thursday, May 23, and will be available at all the usual paper pick-up spots! Thanks, as always, to our loyal advertisers! We could not deliver our FREE weekly paper or our FREE Summer Guide without them! Please, please, please remember to support The Rockaway Times advertisers and be sure to tell them you saw their ad in The Rockaway Times!


With summer also comes the summer parking rules. Just a reminder that if you are parking uptown, there is no parking on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from May 15 to September 30 in Belle Harbor and part of Rockaway Park, and no parking on the streets at all during this timeframe in Neponsit.


Signs of summer are everywhere this week! Want to play summer hoops? Don’t forget to sign up for the St. Francis Summer Classic at https://sfdsparish.org. Completed applications must be postmarked by May 24.


Want to help get the community ready for summer? On Saturday, May 18 from 10 a.m. to noon, join JBRPC, Sail Rockaway and The Garden By The Bay for a shoreline cleanup at the Rockaway Community Park located at Almeda Ave. and Beach 58th Street. Afterwards, Sail Rockaway will be treating the volunteers to a free sail out of Marina 59 around Jamaica Bay. To register or for more information, visit www.jbrpc.org/events


Rockaway WISH (Women Inspired to Support and Help) is having their Red WISH & Blue fundraiser on Saturday, May 25 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the Belle Harbor Yacht Club. Tickets are $100 per person and include a chance to win $5,000 plus open bar and lite fare.


There still seems to be an ongoing issue with missing mail in Rockaway. If you have had packages lost or mail missing, you should file a claim with the USPS Office of Inspector General at their website USPSOIG.GOV


If you’re a snowbird or just don’t want to miss The Rockaway Times on Thursdays, please sign up to receive our weekly email. We send the entire paper in a clean PDF version right to your inbox on Thursday mornings. Go to Rockawaytimes.com and click on “Subscribe” on the top right or just send us an email at Mail@Rockawaytimes.com and we’ll sign you up. Oh, and be sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook, as well!

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