Keep the Q35 As Is

 Keep the Q35 As Is

Dear Editor:

Regarding your Op Ed “MTA Stealth Attack,” Stephen Keller, while making many good points, fails to mention that moving the Q35 from Newport Ave. (which is more centrally located) to Rockaway Beach Boulevard, in addition to removing every other bus stop, increases the maximum walk to the bus to over half a mile. The current domestic walking standard to a local bus route is a quarter mile. Why have standards if the MTA is flagrantly ignoring them? The additional walk may cause you to miss the next bus, adding 10 or 15 minutes to your trip and will not make the buses travel any quicker since the bus stops are all lightly utilized, and most are skipped anyway.

Rockaway needs additional service to Sheepshead Bay, not less service. The redesign is supposed to improve bus travel, not make it worse. It is up to our elected officials to act since the MTA won’t listen to the residents.

Allan Rosen 

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