To the Editor:

I wrote this last month on the anniversary of my dad passing and I thought I would send this in to see if this would help anyone else in their struggles. My mom passed away six years ago, and I had the best relationship with her, but not so great with my dad until the end.


By Marianne Skippy Doyle

We are not guaranteed anything in life

We work, we play, we raise ourselves, our kids, we help our parents, our grandparents

We have friends who we see daily, we have friends we don’t see as often as would like

We try and text, we try and make time for our family and friends

We live day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year

We tend to live busy lives and get caught up in what we do at work, at home and what we do with our kids

We are busy with sports, dance, and family affairs

We think we have time for everything, time to food shop, school shop, clothing shop

We think oh I’ll call so and so tomorrow or the next day

Each day passes and sometimes we completely forget to do what we have planned to do

We have a tendency to regret not going on a vacation, an overnight trip, not getting to a game with our kids, a concert etc…

We have a tendency not to talk enough to our loved ones

We have a tendency to keep a grudge that could’ve been forgotten a long time ago

We live hectic lives with our kids, our loved ones and don’t take the time to sit down as a family for a 30-minute dinner

We fight sometimes, argue at times with friends, loved ones and forget to say, “I’m sorry” or “you were right” and move on

We sometimes let things linger from an argument and can’t move forward and just say it’s over and done with, time to move on

These are some of the daily issues we deal with and forget that life is too short for regrets, for BS, for petty problems

What we need to do is LIVE LIFE the way that would make you Happy, make your Kids and your Loved Ones Happy

Don’t look back at the past and say I should’ve done this or that and just Go For It!

Start Fresh today! Live Life, laugh with your kids, your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers.


Everything happens for a reason

We have to try and understand what the reason may be and move forward with it

In summary, don’t live in the past, don’t let the past regrets rule your life today. Love your family, your friends, your life, and live each day to the fullest. Tell people you love them before you can’t!

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