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Dear Editor:
You reported on page 4 of the 1/16/2024 issue that DOT had installed stop signs at “Rockaway Beach Blvd. at Beach 117th Street, without much warning. Now those driving on Newport Avenue were caught off guard as, on the morning of Thursday, January 9, new stop signs were placed on Newport and Beach 135th Street, for both east and west-bound traffic.”
The story went on to say that DOT claimed to have “received public input about the need for stop signs at this location.” It also said that they had conducted a study.
I think that it would be useful if the Rockaway Times followed up a bit more. You might ask for evidence of the “public input.” Did it come from one person at a party or were there fifty letters? And what sort of study was conducted. Was the study conducted by a licensed Professional Engineer. What is his/her name?
It is my understanding that the answers might surprise you.
Eugene Falik