Summer Classic Coaches

By Keith “Bugsy” Goldberg
The St. Francis Summer Classic has many strengths that have made it attractive to players for 39 years. One of those is the high level of coaching they receive. Almost all have played basketball at the high school varsity level and many in college. Many are experienced CYO coaches, and some are currently, or have previously, coached in high school and some in college, including at the Division 1 level.
Coaches this year are:
Second Grade– Casey Vitale, Megan Keiley, Anne Lawler, Justin Flanagan, Kelli Tirado, Joe Visco and Mike Corvi.
Boys Grammar Junior - John Raphael, Joe Kenel, Craig McDonald, Colin Courtney, Matt Reilly, Pete Brady, Casey Sullivan and Greg Hearn.
Girls Grammar Junior – Ed Dennis, Kevin Jamin, Genevieve Shaw, Kathy Henry, Kerry Brady, Siobhan Fitzgerald, Kathy Marquardt and Mike O’Brien.
Boys Grammar Middle – Marty Andresen, Terence Moriarty, Curtis Borgstede, John Briody, Matt Belford, JoJo O’Grady, Shane Murphy, Mike Norris, Patrick Hayden, Joe Mingino and Mike Brenna.
Girls Grammar Senior - Dee Tubridy, Fiona Mullen, Terence Moriarty, John Ronayne, Frank Wassenbergh, Terence Mullin, Matt Courtney, Paul Casares, Ed Dennis, Greg Hearn, Caitlyn McCool, Marianne Hanning and Nicole Moran.
Boys Grammar Senior – Marie Raicco, Alex Goldberg, Brian Bagley, Frank Wassenbergh, Charlie Marquardt, Shane Gauvard, Cody Gauvard, James Delaney, Brian Mullen, Jack Bradley, Eddie Minson, Don Powell, Danny Klein, Joe Visco, Pat Nash, Paul Casares and Marty Murray.
Girls High School – Jimmy Mullen, Larry Hawkins, Terry Greene, Mike LoCascio, Randy Neiswenter and Sue Kenny.
Boys High School – Joe Loconte, Terry Greene, Dan Edwards, Michael Friedman, Joe Courtney, John Ronayne, JR Riley, Tommy Coates, Jack Mullally, Erik McManus, Richie George, Bob Leckie, Joe Featherston, Ryan Woerner, Joe Harkins, Jim McCool and Matt Glynn.
Playoffs are now approaching with the Graybeard championships at St. Camillus tonight, Thursday, July 27, and the first round of the Tim Klein Men’s Open League next Thursday. Full playoff schedules to come in next week’s issue. Don’t miss the action at the Summer Classic!