108 Condos Against Alma Plan

 108 Condos Against Alma Plan

Dear Editor:

I am a local resident that lives directly across where this development will be in the Beach 108th Shore Front Condos and I am opposed to it for the following reasons:
This is a high volume vehicle and pedestrian cross-section. There are bad accidents all the time. There was a recent one that killed a young woman.

The area is also prone to flooding. Unfortunately, those of us that live in our condos have experienced several floods over this past year and it is happening more and more every year. Floods have an impact on your quality of life.

The traffic in this area is already a nightmare and with the addition of the rental units, I feel it will become worse.

Another major reason why I am opposed is the actual construction phase. We have been dealing with construction in this area ever since Hurricane Sandy. Our neighborhood and beach have gone through several large construction projects that seem never ending. They are noisy, inconvenient and quite honestly, I don’t think that it’s fair to have to deal with yet another project that could last months, if not, years.

Lastly, I just don’t think the addition of new buildings is aesthetically pleasing to the feel of the neighborhood.
Thank you for your attention.

Giuseppe Giammona

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