Cruising Like a Celebrity Toward the Caribbean (Part 1)

Story and Photos
By Bob Nesoff
Too many people looking for a vacation that’ll fit their pocketbooks end up spending more than they anticipated and get far less for their money.
They look at cruise ships and all they see are the most expensive accommodations and look no further. Travel agents know their business and can generally come up with great deals. Most of them are customer oriented, but, as in any business, there may be a few who are not. If you have an agent you’ve worked with or is recommended by a friend, by all means go there. If not, you may want to contact the cruise lines directly.
The least expensive cabins are inside. Along with the savings, there are some factors that not everyone might want. The accommodations are basically the same as an outside cabin without the sliding glass doors and a small veranda.
On a recent cruise out of Miami, we had originally booked an insider and then opted to upgrade to an outside with a veranda. The ship was the Celebrity Summit, a line we had sailed with several times before. Out of curiosity, we asked what it would cost to go for a concierge suite and were amazed by how little the upgrade would be. So, obviously we opted for the concierge.
This was not our first Celebrity cruise and previous experience brought us back. We had done an Inside Passage from Seattle to Juneau and Ketchikan with a stop to watch a glacier calve (break off and slid into the water). We were on board Celebrity in Bayonne, NJ, and others. Last year was also from Miami and to both Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.
Having cruised on other lines, we found Celebrity to be more than a shade above the others. The ship’s officers from the captain on down were frequently visible and always friendly, answering questions, posing for pictures and making guests feel at home. This cruise was the same.
Checking in at the Port of Miami was arguably the smoothest ever. If there was a downside, it was parking. It is recommended that you arrive early. Find out when you can board and get there a bit before that. We ended up in a semi-legal spot on the fifth level. That’s as high as it goes. Unfortunately, the elevator was broken, and we walked down. We had checked luggage at pier side, so we didn’t have to “schlep” it down. That would have been a chore.
You can feel very safe. Celebrity is on top of safety and the police marine unit have patrol boats on both ends of the ship channel, preventing unauthorized craft from coming near the cruise ships.
Our concierge cabin was clean, made up and ready for us. Luggage was delivered rather quickly, and we could sit down to relax. The veranda was large enough for two chairs and a table that we made use of, having breakfast there while sailing. Nothing is as relaxing as eating while watching the calm water pass by.
Meals were taken in an expansive, beautiful dining room. There was a choice of a table for two or four. We opted for four and enjoyed making friends. Some cruisers sat at a table with exotic high-back chairs. We wanted to sit by the windows and look out.
The first day was at sea, with the next in Nassau. We took an excursion of a boat tour around the island and then wandered ashore “window shopping.” Next day again at sea, followed by a day at Cozumel. The merchants there were a bit different than in Nassau. The Bahamians were more low-key and less aggressive. In Cozumel, they put on the hard sell. If you decide to make a purchase, bargain, bargain, bargain. If you don’t get your price, leave. They may follow you and come down in price.
People will tell you to be careful about making jewelry and liquor purchases on board. So, we decided to look on land. We were looking for a bottle of Kahlua, the rum-based coffee liquor that is great on the rocks, sitting back and sipping. It took a while in Cozumel to find a shop selling it and we grabbed a bottle. It cost $29.
Wandering the shops back on board, we came across a liquor shop and, lo and behold, there was a big display of Kahlua. The price on board Celebrity was two for $40, a difference of $18, no small bite. So, before you buy on land, except for local souvenirs, check out the price on board. You might just save a lot.
Cruise ships are noted for gourmet dining and shows. Celebrity excelled in both. Tune in next week and we will talk about shows from Broadway quality to adult fare.