• January 22, 2025

A Vote for Sullivan

Dear Editor:

Tom Sullivan is running to represent the 23rd Assembly District, which covers Rockaway, as well as Broad Channel, Howard Beach, Ozone Park and Lindenwood. While speaking to Tom Sullivan, anyone can see he is running an energetic campaign. Winning The Wave Poll with 58% against Stacey Amato shows that people are turning their backs to the status quo and family dynasty politics. Tom Sullivans’ experience serving our country and his professional business and finance experience makes him the right candidate for the job.

His family, which is composed of other public servants, is a big influence on what makes him a strong supporter of the NYPD and a champion to repeal “No Cash Bail.” Tom Sullivan has been campaigning throughout the district in recent weeks with an incredible reception from voters. Folks throughout the district are concerned for their safety, and these concerns have fallen on deaf ears with our current representatives.

In order for us to save this state, we need people to feel safe whether it is heading to work, or taking their kids to school or just enjoying a night out, everyone deserves the right to feel safe. New Yorkers have spent too long being scared for their safety. The origin of this fear has been a culmination of horrendous policies from the city and state governments. Do not be fooled by campaign rhetoric of some politicians seemingly being against “No Cash Bail” or seeming to take a lot of photos with police officers after voting in favor of “No Cash Bail”. It is a tactic to make them appear to be “pro-police.” Do not believe misleading claims that make candidates seem more moderate than they are. If these politicians truly cared about the safety and well-being of the people and the police officers protecting us, they never would have voted for “No Cash Bail” in the first place.

Some would even argue that because republicans are in the minority in the State Assembly, we shouldn’t elect one here. This is a seriously flawed point. Republicans make up five members of the New York City Council. Five Out of 51. Yet to quote the NY Post – “NYC Republicans scored more funds than progressives in city budget” If that can be done in the City Council, Republican elected officials can achieve great things for their constituents and their districts in Albany. When you go to vote, think about who has the interests of your safety in mind. I know that Tom Sullivan is the right choice for the job of representing us in the State Assembly. He has the temperament, experience and the dedication to serve his constituents and our district faithfully.

Thomas Willis

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