Answering Your Questions???

It’s been a hot and humid couple of weeks, and I hope you are staying nice and cool inside with the AC on like me. This week, we will take the opportunity to answer emails sent in by you, the fans!
The first question of the week comes from James G., in Rockaway Park, and he said, “I was a huge fan of Tito Santana. Do you know what he has been doing after retiring from wrestling? Love your column by the way, I read it every week.” Hey James! First, I want to say thank you for being a fan of the column. To answer your question, Tito Santana has been working as schoolteacher for the Roxbury Township School District in New Jersey. I believe he recently retired as a teacher last year. He also teaches wrestling classes for a promotion called Independent Wrestling Federation. He still jumps into the ring from time to time and does autograph sessions. I have had the privilege of working with Tito Santana several times in my wrestling career. Always a nice guy and a professional. Thank you for the question.
The second question of the week comes from King G., in Arverne, and he said, “I watched numerous videos and shows that talked about Ric Flair. Did he really live a rich, high-class life like he portrayed on TV?” Hi King, I have never met Ric Flair, and all I know about him is what I have watched and what I have been told from legends who knew him. Yes, he really lived the life he said he lived. I was told by people who worked with him that he would wrestle a show, go out and party all night until the morning, sleep for a couple of hours, hit the gym, get a tan, and do it all over again the next day. Now, me personally, I wouldn’t recommend living a life like that, and eventually that lifestyle caught up to Ric Flair years later, health wise. Thank you for the question.
The third question of the week comes from Stacy H., in Rockaway Beach and she said, “My son is a big wrestling fan and wants to become a professional wrestler. That’s all he talks about. Can you offer some advice?” Sure, I can Stacy. First, he needs to finish his education. Pro wrestling is a very tough industry to make it big, so he needs an education to fall back on. Second, pick a good wrestling school that is reputable. Third, train hard and stay focused, the goal is to be able to stand out, and make a living in wrestling. Now, not everyone makes it and not everyone gets signed to a contract. It takes a lot of patience and perseverance to become successful. Thank you for the question.
The fourth and final question of the week comes from Stewart M., in Bayswater and he said, “I used to watch Ring of Honor back in the day, and I was told it’s now owned by All Elite Wrestling. Do they still have live shows?” Yes, they do Stewart! Ring of Honor was sold to AEW in March 2022. Currently, ROH shows are recorded at the Soundstage 21 in Universal Studios, located in Orlando, Florida, and can be seen on TV on a weekly basis. I am also a ROH fan since the very beginning, and I’m happy to see it still operating. Thank you for the question.
If you have any questions or comments, please send them to and have a great weekend!