Beach Etiquette Part 2

By Beth Hanning
Thank you so much for all of your emails this past week. Special shout out to Eamon and Maureen Charles for sending me years ago, an old Belle Harbor Property Owner’s sign that states, “Please wear robe to and from beach.” Everyone seems to be on the same page with people needing beach etiquette. I just want to note these rules are for everyone, not just our visitors. I have seen some interesting people on the boardwalk, many breaking the rules already.
Rule 4: PDAs. Our beach is a public beach, not a private beach on a romantic getaway. You may hold hands but do not make out in the water or on your blanket. I have seen women straddling their partner on their blanket, on a weekend! Last summer, I saw much worse but this is a family newspaper. Thanks.
Rule 5: As far as beach umbrellas go, we do not want someone to get impaled while trying to enjoy a sunny day at the beach. I understand skin cancer and sunburn are a factor in you wanting to sit underneath the shade, but you need to put in some effort. Dig a hole and make sure the umbrella is securely in the sand. If you need help, ask. I am sure each beach has an umbrella guru. We have plenty.
Rule 6: Do not change your clothes on the beach. Walk to the nearest restroom and change out of your bathing suit into the attire you wish to wear for your commute home. No one wants to see this. Also, do not take a full shower with soap and shampoo at the showers on the boardwalk. Those showers are for cleaning off the sand, not your full body shower.
Rule 7: This rule is not really for the beach, but it applies to walking around the streets and in the neighborhood businesses. Shirts and shoes are not optional. Put them on. I do not care if you are thin and can rock the look, but many of you cannot. This rule especially goes into effect after dark. I saw some young ladies at dusk in great shape in a string bikini and very small denim shorts that were unbuttoned to show their also extremely small string bikini bottoms.
Rule 8: Do not feed the seagulls…Us locals call them the beach rats. Would you feed a rat on the subway? I do not think so. Please do not leave food around as it will attract the beach rats. Also, be careful with your food, they will eat it right out of your hand. I had a seagull take a full slice of pizza off a plate as I was passing it to my daughter.
Rule 9: I know it is now legal in New York City, but can people stop smoking weed everywhere? Someone recently joked about the wildfire smell leaving and now the person can return to the smell of the weed which emanates on the boardwalk. Smoke at home and stink up your own place!
Have a great week everyone. Email me