Check it Out: Sarnoff’s Autobiography Now Available at Libraries

By Katie McFadden
Some grow up with a silver spoon in their mouth. Others grow up in the crack between two beds. But everyone has their formative experiences in life that make people who they are. As for Belle Harbor resident Robert Sarnoff, he’s put those experiences into writing, in an autobiography called, “Notes from the Crack Between Two Beds,” and now that book can be found on the shelves of the Queens Public Library system.
Sarnoff is one of those who grew up in the crack between two beds, coming into this world, 12 and nine years after his older brothers, born into a post-Depression Brooklyn. At that time, his place in life was that of the youngest brother, sleeping between the beds of his two older brothers until one went off to the military and the other got married, finally leaving him with his own room. However, over time, Sarnoff found himself, making it to a point where others started recognizing talents even he didn’t know he had, despite having many others on his resume, from drawing to writing to filmmaking and more.
“On my first day of retirement from teaching art, I’m in the Waldbaum’s parking lot and a woman running a little theater and art gallery sees me on my bike and points at me and says, ‘you would be great.’ I did a Robert DeNiro and said, ‘you talking to me?’ More than once she said she’s putting on a play and that I’d be wonderful. I never did this before. I said ‘I’ve never acted before. I don’t want to be an actor,’” Sarnoff recalled. The woman wouldn’t take no for an answer. Sarnoff soon found himself auditioning. Without knowing what he was doing but giving it his all nonetheless, with glee, the director told Sarnoff, “You’re a natural, wonderful!” Sarnoff wound up not doing that play but did go on to do others. That scenario sets the scene for the beginning of Sarnoff’s memoir that is full for transformative life experiences.
Sarnoff’s memoir features flashbacks to his beginnings in Bensonhurst to his current life in Rockaway, a near-drowning experience on a vacation in Florida, family memories, setbacks, illnesses and everything in between, told in a theatrical fashion with humor throughout.
A review by a friend of Sarnoff’s sums it up well “Inductive. Loved it. Written by an artist. Entwines chunks and vignettes of his life within longer narratives of jaunts into acting, theater movies and dinner theater. The reader builds a picture of fulfilling an American Dream of sorts. We move from mid-century working class Brooklyn (Post Depression) through working as a busboy in the Borscht Belt, to success as a creator in multiple art forms. Bit by bit, we learn of him and his surroundings, building our own picture of his life and family. A wonderfully written memoir-really a series of vignettes by a multi-talented guy who has followed the American dream. Interesting, funny, philosophical, and a great picture of what it meant growing up in mid-century Brooklyn,” Steve Phillips said.
His fifth published book, “Notes from the Crack Between Two Beds,” came out in March 2022. However, last year, he took a chance on entering it into the Queens Public Library system, and recently learned that his book is available on library shelves. “It’s a good feeling. I think it would be good if everybody read the book but it’s sort of nice to know that the people around me can access it and gain an understanding of what I think of life, and I hope that they can identify with the ups and downs and the adventures. Everybody has a book in them, so maybe it will prompt people to take stock of their own story and put it down on paper,” Sarnoff said.
After learning his book was accepted by the Queens Public Library system, Sarnoff has since submitted it for consideration by the Brooklyn and New York Public Library systems, so others across the city may get the chance to read it as well.
In the meantime, you can check out a copy of Sarnoff’s autobiography, “Notes from the Crack Between Two Beds,” at the Seaside or Far Rockaway branch of Queens Public Library, or purchase a copy on Amazon.
For more information about other works by author, filmmaker, artist and actor, Robert Sarnoff, see: