Facts You Probably don’t Need
- A cordwainer makes new shoes whereas a cobbler repairs shoes.
- From north to south, Chile extends 2,653 miles, yet it is only 217 miles at its widest point, and averages just 110 miles east to west.
- The International Space Station is closer to Earth than San Francisco is to Los Angeles.
- Despite the title, almost all the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park lived during the Cretaceous period and not the Jurassic period.
- Chinese checkers were actually a German creation.
- Only 2% of people have green eyes.
- It took around 3 billion years for the very first single-celled organisms to eventually evolve into basic animal life forms. For comparison, dinosaurs were around for about 165 million years and modern humans have only been around for 300,000 years.
- Weather is the temporary condition of the atmosphere at a place. Climate is the overall average weather of that place over a period of time.
Facts by Sean McVeigh, factologist.