Foraging Adventure in the Rockaways

 Foraging Adventure  in the Rockaways

By Juvie Anne Alfeche, RISE Public Programs Coordinator

For Mother’s Day, RISE (Rockaway Initiative for Sustainability and Equity) hosted a foraging tour with environmental expert and foraging specialist “Wildman” Steve Brill. The tour group had the opportunity to acquire knowledge and hands-on experience in the art of foraging, specifically within the unique environmental conditions that define the Rockaways. The sandy soil poses challenges for tree and grass growth, but it provides opportunities for other species that can thrive in the sun and nutrient-deficient environment. The region supports a diverse array of thriving species, including an abundance of wild greens. Among these species is field garlic, a delectable relative of onions and garlic.

RISE would like to thank Brill for leading the foraging tour. Thank you, also, to the mothers and everyone else who came and celebrated Mother’s Day morning with us. If you are interested in joining us for events like these, please visit for information.

Rockaway Stuff

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