Fundraiser Helps Special Athletes Play Ball!

On Saturday, April 13, the athletes from St. Camillus Special Olympics, families and volunteers had a special celebration for Autism Awareness Month.
Bob Johnson, owner of The Cabana in Long Beach, graciously hosted the celebration that served as a fundraiser to help support the St. Camillus Special Olympians’ softball season in Fort Tilden, which kicked off on Sunday. The event, organized by Jennifer Monaghan, was a fun time for all with The Rockawades playing some tunes to keep the crowd entertained and even letting some of the attendees join in singing some karaoke. Rochelle Grubb donated her talents to do face painting for the guests. Bettina Hornung, Erin McMahon and others helped sell 50/50 raffles to raise more funds. Overall, it was a success with more than $1,500 raised for the cause.
“April is a perfect month to bring Awareness to such programs and clients that benefit from them. Bob and The Cabana never fall short of giving back and recognizing a need in the community,” Grubb said.