Graybeards to Honor Joe Harkins and Lisa Renda-Blackwell

 Graybeards to Honor Joe Harkins and Lisa Renda-Blackwell

Joe Harkins

By Katie McFadden

On Saturday, January 25, The Graybeards, a local organization that has done plenty of good for the community, will be honoring two neighbors who have done the same—Joe Harkins and Lisa Renda-Blackwell.

On Saturday, The Graybeards will host their 23rd Annual Dinner Dance from 6:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. at El Caribe in Brooklyn. The annual event serves as their biggest fundraiser of the year with the help of a massive 50/50, resulting in a six-figure prize. The money raised helps the nonprofit organization that started after 9/11 to quietly do the amazing work they do for individuals, families and other organizations in need such as when neighbors are dealing with tragedies, tough diagnoses, fires and more.

Lisa Renda-Blackwell

As part of their annual dinner dance, The Graybeards honor members of the community or organizations that have gone above and beyond. This year the Don (D.H.) Hart Memorial Award will go to Joe Harkins and the Tom Ryan Memorial Award will go to Lisa Renda-Blackwell.

Harkins is being recognized “for his incredible generosity and for his outstanding support of numerous local charities and assistance of needy individuals in the Rockaways,” according to The Graybeards. That work includes the work he’s done for The Graybeards itself. “Joe’s actions have always been done with incredible humility, good humor and without seeking any recognition for himself,” the dinner program reads. After all, he’s had good mentors. “As a longtime hoop enthusiast, he began his basketball career in St. Thomas’ CYO program under the tutelage of his first basketball coach, Brian Boyle, one of the founders of the Graybeards.”

Lisa Renda-Blackwell, who we profiled in October 2024 for writing a children’s book, “Diamonti, The Journey of a Diamond in the Rough,” is also being recognized for the work she’s done for others. In the fall of 2011, Lisa’s then 10-year-old daughter, Georgina, asked her if it would be possible to adopt a family for Christmas so kids in need could receive presents. Renda-Blackwell made it happen when she launched an annual effort called “Little Angels Adopt a Family.” Each holiday season, they adopt families in need, and with the help of places like Rogers Pub, they hold toy drives to collect toys to deliver to them.

For tickets to the dinner dance ($150) or 50/50 raffle tickets ($100), call The Graybeards office at 718-634-6812. For more info about The Graybeards, see:

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