High Tide

Happy Shark Week! Last year, at this time, there were videos of sharks all over the peninsula. This year has been a bit quieter on that front and we’re all OK with that.
Fox Weather is asking people to vote for America’s top beaches and local meteorologist Amy Freeze has nominated Rockaway Beach for the “Most Surfable” category. We, impartially, think she made a great choice!
Last week, you may have noticed a plane flying over the beach from 130th to 136th several times with a tailing message that read “Cara, will you marry me?” Sources tell us that Cara did indeed say, “Yes!” Congratulations to the happy couple!
Work on the 125th Street groin appears to be nearing its conclusion just in time for the dunes to be ripped up for reinforcement. Understandable and necessary, yes, but still a pain in the you know what.
Congratulations to Suellen Foti of St. Francis de Sales Catholic Academy, who, this week, was invited to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in recognition of her work running St. Francis’ annual Math-a-thon. Mrs. Foti was one of six Math-a-thon coordinators nationwide that were invited to St. Jude’s. Over the last ten years, St. Francis de Sales has raised over $250,000 for the hospital. Congratulations, Mrs. Foti, on the well-deserved recognition!
The much-anticipated Lifeguard Olympics was unfortunately postponed due to the storms we saw roll in on Tuesday evening. But fret not, a make-up date has been set for this Monday, July 31 at 6 p.m. on Beach 106th Street.
There have been some unfounded rumors flying around the rumor mill about the city’s ongoing lifeguard shortage. This week, The Rockaway Times’ Katie McFadden sat down with Councilwoman Joann Ariola to try to help dispel some of those rumors. You can check out Katie’s article on page 11.
The wait is almost over! Our Rockaway Times Photo Contest judges will be convening soon to decide our esteemed Top 10. If you haven’t yet, make sure you get out on the boardwalk and take a look at the Top 30 of the Photo Contest displayed on the boardwalk in the Beach 90s. The final winner will be announced Friday, August 25 at a ceremony at our Rockaway Times office.
Save the date and get your shovels ready – Sunday, August 6, NYC Parks and the Rockaway Times will host the Seventh Annual Rockaway Sandcastle Contest. This year it will be on Beach 117th Street. Registration will start on the boardwalk at 11 a.m., and the contest will go from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m., with judging after. All ages are welcome! There will be prizes for winners and giveaways for all.
Tonight, The Graybeards wrap up their 29th (!!!) basketball season. The championship games for both the Legends division and the Young Guns division will take place at St. Camillus. This league is surely getting old, maybe, but not extinct!
Speaking of The Graybeards, the annual Family Fun Run is tomorrow night, July 28. Registration details can be found on page 9 of this week’s paper. Don’t forget to register and get out there and run.
Stella Maris High School is having its 80th anniversary on the boardwalk in front of Stella Maris Convent on Beach 112th Street on Saturday, September 16 at 11:30 a.m. To RSVP, email
Winner, winner! The New York City Lottery announced on Tuesday that a third-prize winning ticket of $100,000 for Powerball had been sold at Deirdre Maeve’s Supermarket in Breezy Point.