High Tide

This Sunday, October 29, marks the 11th anniversary of Hurricane Sandy.
That day, and so many days that followed, was filled with tragedy. Loved ones were lost and many were devastated, both financially and emotionally.
We are all very proud of the peninsula’s resiliency and incredible recovery. That being said, the devastation of Sandy can still be seen throughout Rockaway every day. Whether it is having our beaches closed for a full summer for groin and dune work or the housing lots that remain vacant and overgrown, the storm’s lasting effect remains with us today, eleven years later.
Now is a good time to check batteries and discuss evacuation plans with family. And check with neighbors and seniors who may need additional help during an emergency.
Fingers crossed! It looks like this week may end our terrible streak of seven straight rainy weekends. Thankfully, it looks like we are in for a beautiful weekend coming up. Did we just jinx it?
Last weekend, the rain stopped just in time for the Second Annual Fall Freedom Fest. It was another great success. Thanks to those who made it happen, especially our friends from the Harbor Light, Callie’s, Pico, Jamesons and Panini Rustico-Baya Bar.
Happy Halloween! Here’s to a great day and night, whether trick or treating or just enjoying some of the awesome and spooktacular decorations at some of the houses around Rockaway. Hope you enjoyed the final and last part of our spooky story – “The Ghost of the Handball Courts” on page 5. Did you miss the first two parts? Don’t worry, we got you covered. You can catch up on parts one and two on page 42.
There’s been a lot of activity this week concerning Floyd Bennett Field. On Monday, October 23, there was a press conference at the main entrance of Floyd Benefit Field by Councilwoman Joann Ariola, Assemblywoman Jaime Williams and other community leaders to provide an update on the status of the court case concerning the use of Floyd Bennett Field, federal land, to house a migrant camp and the start of 24/7 protest. As we went to press on Wednesday, the city was once again trying to move the hearing out of Staten Island and moved for an immediate hearing by taking it to the 2nd Division of the NYS Supreme Court, Appellate Division, in Brooklyn.
After being postponed due to all the rain we have had, the skateboarding competition, Battle of the Beach, will finally take place this Saturday, October 28, at Beach 92nd Street Skatepark from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Registration is at 11 a.m. As a side note, our winning photo of the 2023 Rockaway Times Photo Contest was snapped at last year’s competition.
Before it gets too dark and cold, this is a great time of year to take photos, so you’ll be ready for the annual Rockaway Times Photo Contest. We always accept pics for our Local Color page (when we have room), but keep in mind there’ll be a contest in a few months.
Know any expecting mothers around town? Well, the NYPD Community Outreach Division will be hosting a community baby shower on Sunday, November 6, from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Rockaway YMCA. The event will include refreshments, food, giveaways and raffles.