High Tide

The Rockaway Times would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who contributed to making the 48th Annual Rockaway St. Patrick’s Day Parade yet another smashing success. As always, a good time was had by all!
Daylight saving time is this week and while we do lose an hour of sleep, we will gain an extra hour of sunlight! The change occurs this Saturday night (really Sunday morning) at 2 a.m. We can hope that this is one of the last times we will have to participate in this annual internal body shake-up, as legislation has once again been introduced to the U.S. Congress to make the change permanent. Arizona and Hawaii are the only two states in the union that currently do not recognize daylight saving time. They both rank in the top ten “State Well-Being Rankings” according to Time Magazine. Coincidence? I think not. So, fingers crossed!
We are thrilled to hear that Fr. Jim Cunningham of St. Francis de Sales has found a living kidney donor match (and a backup donor)! Both matches are members of the St. Francis de Sales Parish. Fr. Jim has expressed his thanks in a post on Facebook, “I am overwhelmed and grateful, as well.”
Happy Birthday to the two newest centenarians on the Peninsula! Ruth Mirsky and Gert Hendry are both turning 100 years old this week. Congratulations on an amazing milestone and we hope there are many more to come!
A new all-way stop sign has appeared on Beach 117th Street and Rockaway Beach Blvd. While safer roads are always appreciated, this seems a bit ridiculous with a traffic light one block to the east. We’re always looking on the bright side, and while this will surely create some awe-inspiring traffic jams, at least it is not another speed camera.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) New York District has announced an additional extension to the public comment period for the New York-New Jersey Harbor and Tributaries Study (the study that discusses bayside protection measures and sea gates). The new deadline is March 31. The public is encouraged to submit comments and you can do so by emailing: nynjharbor.tribstudy@usace.army.mil. Current estimates for tentatively selected Plan 3B are $52.6 Billion. That is inclusive of all the work that will be done throughout the New York Metropolitan Area.
Maddy Siegrist, the Villanova basketball star and Poughkeepsie native who spends her summers in Breezy Point, has continued to add to her year of accomplishments by being named the Big East Conference Player of the Year. Congratulations to Maddy!
The Rockaway Times Photo Contest submissions have been flying in fast and furious. The photos have been great so far, so please keep them coming! For more details, please check out page 11.
The Chef’s Table, located on Beach 116th Street, has announced that, after three years, they have permanently closed their Rockaway location. Their Lynbrook location will still be operational. As per the owner, this will have no effect on the Rockaway Farmers Market.
The dead humpback whale on the Breezy Point jetty was swept away with the tide. If you spot it, report it to AMSEAS (631) 317-0030.
Next weekend, due to Sandy Rehabilitation Track Work, from Saturday, March 25 at 5:30 a.m. until Sunday, March 26 at 10:00 p.m., there will be no A Train service between Rockaway Blvd. and Far Rockaway-Mott Ave. Rockaway Park Shuttle Train service at Broad Channel will be replaced by free shuttle buses.