High Tide

Well, it’s finally here. Happy summer 2024! We hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Thankfully, it looks as if the weather will be cooperating for all of the festivities for the holiday weekend. Fingers crossed it stays that way!
Year after year, Rockaway’s oceans are unfortunately underestimated by swimmers — both local and visiting. Remember to be safe on the beach and remind your kids to swim where and when the lifeguards are on duty. Lifeguards will be officially on duty starting Saturday, May 25 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at specified locations.
If you find yourself on the boardwalk this weekend, be sure to take a look at the Top 30 finalists of the 2024 Rockaway Times’ Photo Contest. These photos, along with five honorable mentions (which can also be found in this week’s paper), will be displayed throughout the summer on the boardwalk and by the ferry landing.
Speaking of summer, The Rockaway Times’ 2024 Summer & Community Guide is also being delivered with the paper this week. You know what comes next … please, please support our loyal advertisers. Without them, we would not be able to deliver The Rockaway Times’ weekly paper or our 100-page Summer Guide for FREE! They clearly believe in us, and the Rockaway community so please get out there and support them this weekend and all summer. And remember to tell them you saw their ad in The Rockaway Times Summer Guide!
For the second time in just six months, an autistic employee of Stop & Shop of Beach 112th Street was attacked outside the store. Once again, by an assailant with a long rap sheet. To be honest, we are lucky this does not happen more often and to more people. Stop & Shop and it’s parking lot have turned into a cesspool for the mentally ill, and clearly dangerous, reprobates of Rockaway. This is the closest shopping center for many and cannot, and should not, be allowed to continue to devolve into a lawless place. Rockaway deserves better.
Congratulations to the new members of the Dayton Beach Park board of directors. After years without a vote, the long overdue election was finally held, and the board is now filled with a completely new crop of members who will be responsible for overseeing Dayton Beach Park. Best of luck to the new board members!
We want to wish Father Jim Cunningham of St. Francis de Sales a Happy 29th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination, which he celebrated on Monday, as well as Deacon Vincent LaGamba, who celebrated his 17th Anniversary of Ordination to the Diaconate on Sunday. Congratulations to both Father Jim and Deacon Vincent.
If you are taking the ferry to or from Rockaway this weekend, note that they have just changed their schedule. The summer schedule went into effect on Monday, May 20, so be sure to check the schedule.
And if you are traveling on the ferry or just out and about, stop in for a beverage at Postcard Brewing Co., 111-30 Beach Channel Drive, which is just west of the ferry landing and just re-opened for the summer. They will be open Thursday to Sunday from 1 p.m. on.
Like a scene out of a bad horror movie, the spotted lantern flies have begun to hatch in our area. There are some home remedies floating around like spraying them with half dawn and half vinegar, that are apparently having some effect on them. That is all well and good, but we prefer the old fashion way: if you see them, don’t be afraid to stomp them.