I Asked and You All Responded!!!

What’s up Wrestle Talk Fans!? Welcome to another week of wrestling news! Last week, I asked this question, “Is there too much wrestling content on TV every week?” ….and the response back was big, we received more than 100 emails! So, here are some of the responses we received!
Alex H. from Arverne By The Sea said, “Yes, I agree there is way too much wrestling content on TV. Seems like every day there is a three-hour show that is on TV. I would like to see it reduced, but it looks like the wrestling companies are making too much money from paid advertising.”
Thanks for the email, Alex, but my question right back to you is, are they really making a lot of money with that much content on TV?
Sonya L. from Far Rockaway said, “Although, I do feel there is too much wrestling on TV, but so what? I watch the WWE and AEW all week long, so I guess I’m addicted to it.”
Hey Sonya, I guess you are, but stop and think a moment. Do you change the channel when you are watching it? Because maybe, just maybe, you need a break?
Charles L. in Rockaway Park said, “Yeah, there is definitely way too many wrestling shows on TV. Maybe scaling back the amount of content hours could be helpful to attracting more viewership.”
Yes, I agree with you Charles. Scaling back the amount of content hours, I feel, would increase viewership. Thanks for the email!
Tyler A. in Rockaway Beach said, “No way! I wake up watching wrestling and go to sleep watching wrestling. It’s my favorite thing to watch every day!”
Hi Tyler, well, don’t let me stop you, lol. Enjoy! Thanks for the email!
Tony M. from Bayswater said, “I enjoy watching wrestling, but you were right on with what you said. There is ‘too much of a good thing’ going on with wrestling. Maybe if the WWE, AEW or any other wrestling company out there took the opportunity to try to reduce their TV shows hours, I think more people would stay tuned in watching a wrestling show. I, for one, switch channels after two hours of watching a show.”
Thanks for the email, Tony! I agree with you 100% and I love wrestling. But some reductions in content hours are needed.
Billy K from Breezy Point said, “Hell No! I love the current line up or content that is on TV. I watch all the shows and enjoy them all. The only time I miss it is if I’m late coming home. Otherwise, I love watching it.”
No problem, I actually love hearing back from our fans on how much they love wrestling! Thanks for the email, Billy!
Wow, a lot of great responses! For this year’s columns, I will be asking questions to you our loyal readers and fans on different wrestling topics, so we can all share our opinions. See you all next week!
If you have a question or comment please send it to eavil183@yahoo.com and have a great weekend!