Knights of Columbus Celebrates 96th Annual Mass & Awards Breakfast

This past Sunday, April 7, sunny skies reflected the mood at Msgr. William F. Burke-Rockaway Council Knights of Columbus #2672 and Sister Columbiettes 96th Annual Mass and Awards Communion Breakfast.
This year’s 10 a.m. Mass was observed at St. Francis de Sales Parish, which was attended by the Knights General Stephen J. Moylan Assembly Color Guard in full regalia. After the Mass, the communion awards breakfast followed, in which awards were presented to Council members for their loyal and dedicated service to church and Council during the previous year.
Also, in keeping with tradition, the Knights recognized a local organization for its contribution to the community. This year’s awardees: Knight of the Year, Senior Knight Brian Courtney; 2672 Clubman of the Year, Past Grand Knight (PGK) Richie Knott; Columbiette of the Year, Barbara O’Connor Knott; and Past Grand Knight Recognition Award, PGK Russell Hawk. Rockaway Beach Autism Families was honored with the community service award. Also, as part of the communion breakfast, PGK Richie Knott presented the Council’s annual donation to Cathedral Preparatory School.
The Knights of Columbus Rockaway Council 2672 was founded in 1928 and has been serving the Rockaway community since its inception. With 772 members, the council is one of the largest and most active councils in the New York area. The Rockaway Knights welcome all community groups and civic organizations to continue to use its venue to meet in a safe and hospitable place.
Founded in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven Connecticut to assist widows and children of the immigrant Catholic community, the Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic fraternal service organization in the world. There are over 1.8 million members worldwide.
Congratulations to this year’s awardees!