Look for the Helpers
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” – Mr. Rogers
Rockaway, Breezy Point and Broad Channel could not make it through Sandy without the helpers. Some may remember organizations that maybe weren’t so helpful. The Red Cross’ response was underwhelming. But there were many, from all over the city and country, who did step up to help those who needed it in their most trying times. Whether it was helping remove moldy debris, donating warm meals or gift cards to replace lost items, directing people to useful resources, to even rebuilding homes, several organizations stepped up.
So thank you, in no particular order,…to:
Neighbors who helped neighbors
Team Rubicon
Friends of Rockaway
High school & College volunteers
Mormon Helping Hands
Tzu Chi Foundation
Mennonite Volunteers
United Sikhs
Doctors Without Borders
Operation Blessing
Operation Gut and Pump
Habitat for Humanity
Occupy Sandy
Margert Community Corporation
New York Cares
Rockaway Free Fleamarket
Survivors Silver Lining
Doctors of the World
Respond & Rebuild
The Graybeards
Rockaway WISH
NYC Food Trucks
Volunteer efforts at St. Francis de Sales & St. Camillus
Rockaway Emergency Plan Facebook page
There are many more we’re probably leaving out. We could never thank our helpers enough.