New Bus Needed
Dear Editor:
The Q35 rerouting proposal was proposed three times before, each time soundly rejected by CB 14, first in 2017, before the Queens Bus Network Redesign began. So how is the MTA listening? Eugene Falik stated we should tell the MTA what we need and not be concerned with what they propose.
What is needed is quicker travel to Brooklyn. A new route from Riis Park or Beach 116th Street would allow bus travel to Sheepshead Bay Station in 20 to 30 minutes, and would benefit Kingsborough College students and stimulate the Rockaway economy. Currently this trip requires three buses, a double fare and takes up to two hours. Free parking at Riis Park would encourage commuters to use the bus and B train rather than the slower A train. The MTA claims improved interborough travel is an objective, so why are they proposing to harm Rockaway rather than to help it? It should not require two buses merely to travel within the peninsula, as the MTA is proposing by shortening the Q22.
Allan Rosen