SFDS Catholic Academy Honors Their Own Veterans

 SFDS Catholic Academy Honors Their Own Veterans

The Academy Family Association of SFDS hosted a beautiful Veterans Day Appreciation Prayer Service on Tuesday night, November 7 at the Church, followed by a fellowship in the Small Hall.

Meg Anderson, AFA Vice President, took the lead on planning this service to honor Veterans in our community. Mairead Henning started off the service and led the congregation in singing “America the Beautiful.” Students from the National Junior Honor Society did readings and read poetry they wrote on why Veterans Day is important and should be celebrated. Then, two second grade students read their own Veteran interviews. They each interviewed a Veteran in their life. Eamonn Egan interviewed his grandfather and Nora Carney interviewed her dad. They both shared what they learned about these two heroes. It was a beautiful and memorable service for all who attended.

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