By Robin Shapiro
Many Rockaway homeowners enjoy more frequent visits from friends and relatives during the summer. As we know, parking is at a premium – especially after May 15, when the regulations change on numerous streets. Everyone is aware of the standard parking solutions (help from neighbors, etc.), but there is one solution which many people overlook: homeowners with garages often use the garage for storage. Why not clean it out so that a car can be parked inside? A car spot can be worth approximately $100/month (or more). If you think of it in such monetary terms, then it might motivate you towards such action. Also, the garage might even provide enough material to have a “garage sale” and make some extra cash for the household.
Spring/summer motivates some people to do work on their homes. It’s a good idea to remind workers to be especially careful with NAILS, which tend to end up in everyone’s tires! Horn blowing is another problem. Some people forget that car noises can be an annoyance to their neighbors. The Golden Rule is always a good guideline. The Jewish holiday of Shavuot begins Thursday night, May 25 and ends Saturday night, May 27. No work is permitted for the observant. Call me. Love, Robin.