The Little North Pole to Get the Hallmark Treatment

By Katie McFadden
Hallmark Channel is coming to Rockaway. But it isn’t for a film about a bigtime city professional who comes to a small beach town and falls in love with small shop owner and decides to stay. This time, it’s for a little dose of reality. And Neponsit’s Little North Pole is the star of the show.
The Little North Pole (144-03 Neponsit Avenue) lit up for the season on November 25, and soon after, Joe Mure and Jodi Tucci received an email from the king of Christmas programming—the Hallmark Channel. Hallmark is launching a new show about holiday homes across the country and wants Rockaway’s own Little North Pole to be a part of it. “They’re very interested in the story about The Little North Pole and why we do it and the fact that we put smiles on every single child’s face and that we do it for charity, and the fact that the Rockaway community is a part of it,” Mure said. For that reason, Mure is hoping the Rockaway community will come out once again on Friday, December 15 at 4:30 p.m., as the Mures put on another lighting for the Hallmark Channel to film.
Mure is unsure exactly what the filming will entail but he’s ready to do what he does best and light up the house for the filming, with the Rockaway community’s involvement. He especially encourages families with kids to come out as Santa Claus is expected to make an appearance and will have toys for the kids in attendance.
Anyone who comes is encouraged to come dressed festively and know that there’s a chance they’ll be on TV whenever the Hallmark Channel’s new program airs, likely sometime next holiday season. Participants may have to sign waivers and are discouraged from wearing any clothing with logos displayed. Even The Little North Pole will have some adjustments made, like temporarily removing the new Minion toys from the ferris wheel so there’s no trademark conflicts for the filming.
But Mure says the show will focus on what the Little North Pole is all about. “They’d like to meet with some of the people that helped us with the display, and they’re very interested in all the work we’ve done with helping the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and this year, for Williams Syndrome and blood cancers, plus all the special lightings we’ve done for children with special needs, the Special Olympics and the foster children,” Mure said.
This isn’t the first time The Little North Pole has gotten the TV treatment. The home has been featured in programs on Good Morning America and even as far as Germany and the U.K. Most notably, the Little North Pole won ABC’s “The Great Christmas Light Fight” in 2018, with footage shot at the lighting in 2017. But the TV spotlight is always humbling. “We’re honored that Hallmark would want The Little North Pole to be on the best Christmas channel,” Jodi Tucci said. And it isn’t just the impressive display that Mure believes draws the cameras to his home. “I think that they see what we see—the importance of making children smile and helping children that need our help,” he said.
So if anyone wants to be a part of that mission, and show the Hallmark Channel what Rockaway does best, show up at The Little North Pole at 144-03 Neponsit Avenue on Friday, December 15 at 4:30 p.m. for the filming.