The Rockaway Times Photo Contest is Now Open

Hani Albahr
And so begins the Eighth Annual Rockaway Times Photo Contest! As you know, there’s no doubt, Rockaway’s Got Talent and we like to put the spotlight on peninsula shutterbugs. This year’s contest will definitely have a Jamacia Bay leaning as the Top 30 photos selected will include five from a Ferry Photos category and five from a Water Wildlife category.
As we’ve done in years past, the Top 30 photos selected are made poster-size and put on display on the boardwalk. And some honorable mentions get placed at the ferry dock. As mentioned above, of the Top 30 this year, five will feature Ferry Photos and five will feature Water Wildlife. Other than those, there will be no specific categories, the others listed in the ad are simply to get the ideas flowing. All great photos will be considered. The winning photographer wins a $500 Grand Prize and everlasting bragging rights. You don’t have to be a professional, you just have to take a great photo!

Ok, now the IMPORTANT STUFF: Deadline: NOON, Friday, April 14. Other than our two formal categories, you can submit whatever photos you’d like. We would love to see a photo of your adorable pet, but remember, it will be competing against sunsets, parades, wildlife, surfers, you name it. Judges will only consider pictures that convey a local theme.
You are allowed to submit up to FOUR (4) photos. They must be high resolution (some of those phone photos just don’t cut it; resist sending fuzzy out-of-focus pictures) and the photos must be of Rockaway, Breezy Point or Broad Channel or on the ferry or from the ferry. This is The Rockaway Times Photo Contest and we’re sure your vacation photos are great but we’re sticking to a Rockaway theme. You must submit your name (or the name of the photographer) and, please know that The Rockaway Times may use any of the photos as we see fit (in the paper, and/or Summer Guide, Facebook, etc). We will give photo credit, but we will have full rights to the photo. And please, only send photos you have taken or have rights to or permission to use.

Please make sure the photos are your own. We’ve had instances in the past where people shared great photos from professional photographers and even from Rockaway Times staff members into the contest. It must be original work, or it will be automatically disqualified.
Important: Send to the CORRECT email address. Submit your top photos to
We will still print our Local Color feature each week but that’s a separate email and contest photos sent there cannot be considered.
Contest tip: We know we’ll get lots and lots of beautiful sunsets and sunrises but that means it’ll be tough for your photo to really stand out. Maybe your picture of kids on the beach (Mike Dier’s shot of his little one playing with trucks in front of the Army Corps construction took first last year!) or a great boardwalk scene or something that screams “That’s Rockaway!” will be the one that captures the judges’ eyes. And remember, send only your top 4 (or fewer!).

We’re thrilled to have our co-sponsors back for this year’s contest. The Jamaica Bay–Rockaway Parks Conservancy (JBRPC) who will be sponsoring the Water Wildlife Category, NYC-Ferry who will be sponsoring the Ferry Photos category, and NYC Parks. Thank you for helping to make this one of the summer’s great events.
So go snap away, Rockaway. The Photo Contest is officially open!