Things To Do

Beach Opening Ceremony
On Friday, May 26 at 10 a.m., head to the boardwalk at Beach 94th Street for NYC Parks’ beach opening ceremony.
Stargazing at Floyd Bennett Field
On Friday, May 26 at 8 p.m., head to Floyd Bennett Field, near the Community Garden Runway 33 Brooklyn, to join the Amateur Astronomers Association (AAA) for free stargazing sessions. Canceled if overcast.
Family Nature Journaling
On Saturday, May 27 at 3 p.m., head to the Ryan Visitor Center at Floyd Bennett Field to join a Park Ranger for a meditative, engaging nature hike accompanied by reads of nature prose and poetry at Floyd Bennett Field. Try your hand at penning your own works through guided writing prompts.
BCVFD Memorial Day
On Sunday, May 28 at 10:45 a.m., head to the Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department firehouse at 15 Noel Road as they remember the former members of our department who have responded to their last alarm.
BC Memorial Day Parade
On Sunday, May 28 at 12:45 p.m., head to 17th Road Park in Broad Channel for a Memorial Day wreath laying ceremony at the flagpole before the parade steps off down Cross Bay Blvd.
Memorial Day Parade
On Monday, May 29 at 10:30 a.m., the American Legion hosts its Memorial Day parade starting with a Mass at St. Francis de Sales, followed by a ceremony at the Four Chaplains monument. A parade will then continue to the Beach 121st Memorial Circle at noon and then up the boardwalk to the Doughboy monument on Beach 94th Street.
100th Precinct Community Council
On Wednesday, May 31 at 7 p.m. on Zoom, the 100th Precinct Community Council hosts its monthly meeting. Hear updates from the precinct and ask questions. For Zoom access info, email
Morning Moves at RISE
On Mondays, at 11 a.m., head to the RISE Center (58-03 Rockaway Beach Blvd.) to join Ann Fosteris’ Fitness to You class.
Core on the Floor
On Mondays, from 11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., head to the RISE Center (58-03 Rockaway Beach Blvd.) for a free core and lower body class with Ann Fosteris of Fitness to You. All are welcome! Bring a mat.
JASA Weekly Yoga
On Mondays at 11 a.m. and Fridays at 11:30 a.m., adults 60+ are welcome to JASA Rockaway Park Older Adult Center (106-20 Shore Front Parkway) for weekly Yoga with Cynthia. Open to Adults 60+. To register, call: 718-634-3044.
JASA Weekly Arts
On Thursdays at 10 a.m., adults 60+ are welcome to JASA Rockaway Park Older Adult Center (106-20 Shore Front Parkway) for weekly painting/arts and crafts. Let your creativity be free! To RSVP and for more details, call: 718-634-3044.
Yoga on the Beach
On Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8:30 a.m., head to Beach 102nd for yoga on the beach with Soupy Campbell.
Hangar B Tour
On Sundays through May 28, at 10 a.m., head to Hangar B at Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn to join a Park Ranger for a tour of Hangar B and the aircraft inside, which are part of Floyd Bennett Field’s aviation history.
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