This Week in History
Theresa Lanzon was born.
Robin Shapiro was born.
Joann Byrne was born.
Madison Lyman was born.
Michael “Mickey” Layden was born.
1775 – Patrick Henry declared “Give me liberty or give me death.”
1806 – Lewis and Clark began their return journey east.
Tara Stackpole was born.
Jeffrey Williams-Maisonet was born.
1958- Rock ‘n’ roll star Elvis Presley joined the U.S. army for two years.
1989 – In one of the worst oil spills in recent history, the tanker, Exxon Valdez, ran aground and released 240,000 barrels of oil into Prince William Sound.
1634 – Maryland was founded by settlers sent by the late Lord Baltimore.
Marisa O’Brien was born.
Chris Owens was born.
Kelly Byrnes was born.
Katrina Visco was born.
1827 – Composer Ludwig van Beethoven died at age 56 in Vienna, Austria.
1945 – The battle of Iwo Jima ended; about 22,000 Japanese troops were killed or captured in the fighting and more than 4,500 U.S. troops were killed.
2000 – Vladimir Putin was elected president of Russia.
Tara Walter was born.
1884 – The first long-distance telephone call was made, between Boston and New York.
2001 – A federal judge ruled that the University of Michigan’s affirmative action policy was invalid, a ruling that later would be reversed in an appeal.
Kate Johnson was born.
Yarden Flatow was born.
1939 – The Spanish Civil War ended.
1979 – Nuclear power plant accident at Three Mile Island, near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania occured.
Grace Leahy was born.
Davina Grincevicius was born.
Chris Howard was born.
1973 – The last U.S. troops left South Vietnam.
1999 – The Dow Jones industrial average closed above 10,000 for the first time, at 10,006.78.