This Week in History
October 10
Linda Peavey was born.
Paul King was born.
1886 – The tuxedo dinner jacket made its debut at a ball in Tuxedo Park, N.Y.
1973 – Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned after being charged with tax evasion.
October 11
James Tubridy was born.
Marilyn Cowhey was born.
Yvonne Teich was born.
Sean Carlton was born.
1962 – The first session of Vatican II was convened by Pope John XXIII.
1984 – Space shuttle Challenger astronaut, Kathryn Sullivan, became the first American woman to walk in space.
Tommy Greene was born
Daniel Twomey was born.
Katherine Sullivan Frain was born.
Mark Aiken was born.
1492 – Columbus landed in present-day Bahamas.
2000 – 17 U.S. sailors killed with the terrorist attack on the USS Cole in Yemen.
1792 – The cornerstone of the White House was laid.
1943 – Italy declared war on Germany, its former Axis partner, during World War II.
Michael Benedetto was born.
Fernando Pires was born.
Claire Weisz was born.
Mason Porretto was born.
Linda McLoughlin was born.
Kaitlyn McKeefrey was born.
1947 – U.S. Air Force Captain Charles Yeager became the first person to
travel faster than the speed of sound.
1964 – Martin Luther King, Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in
civil rights.
David Bernstein was born.
Kim Potter was born.
1951 – I Love Lucy, starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, had its television debut.
1991 – Clarence Thomas got a narrow (52–48) Senate confirmation of his
nomination to the Supreme Court.
Laurice Keating was born.
Robby Schwach was born.
Buck Grottano was born.
1793 – French queen Marie Antoinette was guillotined for treason.
1978 – John Paul II was elected pope.